About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What a freaking day!

Last night we got a call from St. Paul Radiology about changing our appointment time. They wanted us to come in at 9:30 instead of 8:30 and they would be doing the scan at 11 instead of 10:30. I asked how the changed his eating orders. I knew he couldn't eat so many hours before but I didn't know what it would change. I was informed that Jayen could eat solids up until 6:30 AM. I asked again if she was sure of this. I was assured that they only needed 4 hours before the procedure.
We arrived at 9:00 only so we could keep Jayen away from the food in the hotel room and didn't really have anywhere else to go. We kept Jayen busy in the waiting room and stayed sane by switching off. Eventually EEG arrived and we were able to get the wires on.

After wires, the anesthesiologist came in to talk to us. He talked us through his portion of the test and made us feel comfortable with the sedation they were using. He went through his checklist and eventually came to the question asking us what time he ate last. When I told him he started eating at 6 and was done at 6:30 he stopped dead in his tracks and said, "You're kidding me!" Well apparently whomever told us that Jayen could eat 4 hours prior didn't consider the face that he would be put under anesthesia. We were informed that he needed EIGHT hours with no solids. We weren't going to be able to do the procedure. He left the room and was going to try to figure something out. I immediately started crying. I had the instinct that this wasn't right and I should have trusted that instinct. He eventally came back in the room and said they could do the scan at 2:00 since that would be the eight hours. I was so upset. We were really hoping to head home tonight. I miss my other babies. We really didn't have any other options but to wait.

We were given some pillows and warm blankets and a movie. Thankfully it was close to naptime and Jayen was able to take a quick nap to pass the time! When he woke up we did all we could to entertain him for the duration. He about destroyed the room. I think they heard him bouncing off the wall and came to get us a little early.

He was happy at first, but things quickly turned sour!
I wish we would have remembered his IV doll and had the Ipad lady we had last time to talk to him about the process. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'm so proud of him. He is such a trooper.
When it was time to lay down and start the injection, Jayen started getting very upset.
They actually had to start the sedation early since he was so upset.
This is my least favorite part. I cry every time. Nothing hurts more than watching your baby screaming then eyes rolling back and being out of it.
We were told the first 30 minutes were very important. As soon as they inject the dye, the room needed to be dark and quiet. Jayen was not supposed to have a lot of brain activity during this time so the dye is able to be metabolized. There were others in the room who didn't seem to think it was as important. I was very frustrated the entire 30 minutes. I at one point even shushed the professionals in the room. After the scan we had a few more issues with EEG trying to take off the electrodes. Mommy made them run to get solvent since they were just trying to pull them off.
Finally this was over and we could leave. Now we just have to wait for results!
I'm not good at waiting and being patient!

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