About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, August 1, 2016

My School

Tonight was Meet the Teacher night at school for the boys. We met in the gymnasium to listen to the principal before being dismissed to find their new teachers and classrooms. While sitting in the gym, Jayen looked around then turned towards us and in perfect clarity said, "My school!". I was so proud! Proud that he said a sentence! Proud that he said it with such clarity! Proud that he knew it was his school! Proud that he was proud!

He said it a couple more times before Mr. Frasier was done with his speech. Then we were all able to find the new teachers. We stayed behind and talked to the new P.E. teacher, Mrs. Taylor. The kids are going to have a hard time calling her that since they know her a Ms. Lori, our next door neighbor. I'm hopeful that Jayen will be in her class. I also tried to show him the lunch line but he wanted nothing to do with it. Hopefully he remembers from summer school. After the gym cleared out we made our way inside to find out who the new teachers will be. I had a sigh of relief when we saw Dalan was assigned to Mrs. Scaife's classroom. I've heard such great things about her and I just really needed a good teacher this year! Dalan spent some time in her classroom last year and remembered her, she remembered him too and said she was very excited when she found out he was on her class list.
After finding out teachers for some friends who were out of town, we headed towards the kindergarten hall. My nerves started building. I knew our options were Mrs. Scott, she was Jayen's teacher last year, or Mrs. Mullins, she was Dalan's first grade teacher when we moved here. I wasn't sure which would be better. Mrs. Scoot at the end of last year, seemed distant and not interested. It made me feel like she didn't want Jayen again. That is not how I would want her to feel. Although having someone that already knows Jayen would have been nice. Mrs. Mullins was good with Dalan and I think she really cares for the students. The wait was over and we were assigned to Mrs. Mullins classroom. After walking into her classroom we were surprised to see Eli, our next door neighbor. Eli and Jayen play basketball outside sometimes. It was exciting to know that he will have someone he knows and sees outside of school in his classroom. He also has a friend from preschool in his class.
We weren't sure if the special education teacher would be there or not, but we stopped by her classroom to check. Mrs. Lake was in her room and helped Jayen find his desk, his cubby for his backpack, his drawer of supplies, and his schedule. This all seemed a little much for just a pull-out kid. We were under the impression that he was only supposed to be pulled out for Math, Reading, and Writing. But his schedule had him in the classroom for the entire day. We overheard Mrs. Lake telling another parent that the kids would eat lunch with the first graders. So he wouldn't even be able to eat lunch with his class? I didn't get it and the more time I spent there the hotter I got. I think she could see my frustration. After mentioning that Jayen was only supposed to be pulled out for those core subject, Mrs. Lake said we can work it out. I politely asked if she would be at the meeting I scheduled with Mr. Frasier tomorrow. She was aware of it and promised to be there.

I didn't leave with the warm fuzzies I was hoping for. I was very worried and scared for what Jayen's year in Kindergarten was going to be again.

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