About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Appointment day

We were supposed to go see daddy's aunt this morning, but daddy wasn't feeling good. She is battling cancer and needs all the strength! We would hate to get her sick and threaten her recovery. We will make sure we can stop next time Darlene!
We decided to let daddy have a little down time to recover so we enjoyed the pool. I was very worried about Jayen getting his incision wet. I can't even imagine how much bacteria is floating in a public swimming pool. The pool was pretty cold so thankfully Jayen didn't want to dunk his head anyway.

After the pool we got ready to go to the hospital. Our appointment wasn't until two o'clock so we took the time to stop to see our friends from the fifth floor. We knew their candy jar would be empty so we had to bring more. We miss them so much! Jayen was a little hesitant to go through the doors, but when he saw some of our friends he light up. We miss you all so much. 

The kids were excited to play with the stars again! After we got them away from the stars it was time to head to see Dr. Kebriaei's office. The kids were so excited to use the kids only door and not let us go through it. What a cute idea. These are the reasons we love being on the Children's side!

Dr. Kebriaei was very impressed with Jayen. He thought Jayen was doing great. We are so thankful for the care he gave our son. Next check-up, three months!
After neurosurgery we headed to see our epileptologist, all the way on the other side of the hospital. We had a special surprise for Dr. Frost. We made a collage of some of the pictures of Dr. Frost getting his ninja turtle tattoo. His face was priceless when he was getting the tattoo. We have grown very fond of this man. I hope he knows how much we appreciate him and what he has done for Jayen!

Dr. Frost asked us to not be discouraged about Jayen's seizures. They had a patient in that had seizures for three months after surgery then they slowly decreased until she became seizure free. Hearing this did help but I am still a little discouraged. I just don't understand, if we took out all the areas where seizures originate then where are the new ones coming from? I'm trying to trust and have faith! Dr. Frost wanted to check Jayen's drug levels, so we had to go to the lab. The lab just happens to be back on the other side of the hospital. So we headed back over to the same area we were before.
After labs, we were invited to Melissa, Mark, Olivia, and Daniel Devaraj's house. Olivia was in the hospital the same time as Jayen and had the same procedure done. Her surgery was similar to Jayen's too. We are so glad we got to meet their family. We had an amazing time comparing stories and chatting. The kids had a blast playing with the toys they were given too. Amazing people we are glad to call friends.

We love to keep in touch and hear how things are going. Keep working on getting better! And don't worry about touching your head Olivia!

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