About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, May 30, 2014

I 80 Speedway

Mommy found a way to get free tickets to the I 80 Speedway to watch the races tonight. We haven't gone to the races in a long time. I'm always so nervous whether Jayen will enjoy himself or whether it will be too loud. Jayen did amazing. Towards the beginning of the night he would lean over and put his hands on my ears. I let him do this time and time again. I think it helped him deal with the noise.
We got the tickets from one of the racers. Tad Pospisil went to Wynot and now races the 04 late model race car. It was fan appreciation and he was giving tickets away. I'm so excited we were able to see him race but even better to see him win! After the races we went to the pits and were able to see the car up close. Jayen was in heaven, until we asked him if he wanted to sit in it. Jayen ran away from the car, but Dalan ran towards it. Tad gave Dalan a ride and even let him drive to the trailer. He was grinning from ear to ear. It was a great night. Hoping the late night doesn't bring on a seizure in the morning.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Sister!

Happy Second Birthday Brilyn! Two years ago Jayen's journey with seizures started again and around the same time we were blessed with this amazing little girl. She has brought so much joy and sass to our life!
We celebrated by going bowling! Jay and Abby Foxhoven came with us. We love going bowling as a family! Dalan was so excited to get such a high score without using the ramp. He did amazing.

Guess who liked the cupcakes!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Two days of baseball!

Dalan received a free ticket to the Storm Chasers game for turning in his Book It calendars every month. We were able to purchase tickets for the rest of us at a reduced rate. We have been looking forward to the game for months. We had some extra tickets and we able to convince Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn to stay an extra day and go to the game with us.
Jayen was posed and ready to catch the home runs! I have never seen him stand this still. He was so excited. He loves baseball.


It was so much fun. Not even the rain delay could take the fun away. The kids were dancing in the rain while all the adults were taking shelter. The game was eventually called and would resume the next day. Our tickets were valid for the continuation of the first game and the next game that was scheduled.

Dalan must have some lucky pants on today. We convinced dad to let us go to the Storm Chasers rain delay game from last night. When we entered the stadium, some guys asked if they could ask us a question. I thought this was some survey but reluctantly said sure. They wanted to know if Dalan would be willing to go on the field at the top of the fifth to give the umpire a snack. Well sure, I think he would love it! After signing the concent form we headed towards where dad, Jayen and Brilyn were sitting. We were just a couple of feet away from where a fly ball fell but didn't get it. One of the workers saw and asked if he wanted a ball. Well of course again! Then when we were headed towards the dugout for his grand appearance another fly ball came our way but this time we were in the perfect spot and Dalan got it right away! We got to where we were supposed to meet and got to sit IN THE DUGOUT with the players. Dalan said they are litterers and they spit! He went on the field, was on the big tv, and got a t-shirt for doing it. What an awesome lucky pants day!

I had the most amazing family and friend filled weekend. I wish every weekend could be like this!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

All Play Miracle League

This morning Jayen had baseball again. I'm so proud of him and his AMAZING coach, yep his dad! We had Brilyn's birthday party today so we invited everyone to join us for the game. Uncle John came again to be Jayen's buddy, and Grandma, Grandpa, and Allissa were able to come too.  

It was Jayen's turn to be the flag holder. He didn't want a whole lot to do with it, but eventually put his hand on it long enough that I could snap a picture. 

Nothing melts my heart more than seeing the two of them on the field. Matt has been so amazing with all the kids. I'm so amazed at his caring and compassionate attitude towards all the kids. 

Papa came and was able to be Jayen's buddy. I love that we get this special time with him. I don't know what we will do without them when we move. Thanks so much dad!

Our team, The Cubs!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Last day of school

I'm so sad that today is the last day of school for my preschooler and kindergartner! Still trying to figure out if I'm more sad that they are growing up or that they will be home all summer. I know we will have great days, but having all three home all day will be crazy again. Hopefully we can make the best out of our last summer in Nebraska for a while.

After dealing with the mess Wal-mart left me with, I finally got the teacher presents I had made. I ran to school so Jayen could give Ms. Shank her present before she went to lunch. We gave all of Jayen helpers a baggie of chocolates with bus looking wrappers and a note that said "We Wheelie Appreciate You." We wanted to give Ms. Shank, Ms. Schram, and Ms. Shelby special gifts. They have all been instrumental in Jayen's success this year. I would have been so lost without them. I'm still trying to figure out how we are going to survive without Ms. Shank next year. 

We hope they all know what they mean to us. We love you all dearly and can't wait until our paths cross again.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I boo'ed a teacher!

Today was Jayen's preschool celebration at Bellevue Elementary! This was such a proud mommy moment for me. Jayen has grown so much over the past year. I need to thank Ms. Shank so much for everything she has done. She was an amazing blessing in our life this past school year. I don't know where we would be without her. UNFORTUNATELY, she has informed us that she will not be Jayen's teacher next year. (insert outrageous bawling) Ms. Shank has taken a position as a mentor for new teachers in the district. We know she will do great and we are excited that she can share her expertise with many, many new teachers. She will make the world a better place! When she announced the news to the parents I boo'ed her. I wish she could be with Jayen forever, but I know that is not possible. She will still be able to visit and check in on Jayen often, as she will be the mentor for his new teacher. Thanks again Ms. Shank for being his mom away from home! The loved you showed my child will forever be in his and my heart!

Great job Jayen on a successful year. I'm so proud of all the progress you made!

For what seemed like at least a month or two, Jayen has been coming home and signing something to us that Matt and I couldn't understand. Matt would constantly ask me what holding your hands an inch apart meant. I tried googling it, I asked Jayen, I just assumed he was telling me something was little or big. Now we finally know!!!! Apparently Jayen wanted Taco Bell! Thanks Ms. Shank for teaching him all these new signs. Now I guess I have to take him out to eat.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

What's his outcome now?

Day three was yesterday and on cue Jayen had another seizure. This was a morning seizure so it was slightly different, but non the less still a seizure. Today I am a little down and not completely sure why. I know it didn't help reading this from one of the special needs groups I belong to... "Cole passed away Tuesday morning. He had a massive seizure and aspirated. My husband checked on him and he was fine and I went in 20 minutes later and he was gone. We held him in our arms for a short time but will hold him in our hearts forever." I'm so saddened for this family and so worried whether this will be our family's fate as well. Sudden Unexplained Death is Epilepsy (SUDEP) is common in children with epilepsy. I'm a little comforted by the fact that he mostly wakes and gets out of bed before he seizures occurr, that we know of. I'm just so sad that we have gone to the extreme of extremes and still no help for my little man. What is in store for his life? Are we ever going to get these things under control? Prayers for Cole's family and all the families dealing with epilepsy!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Another new medicine

After more than a week of trying to get Jayen a new prescription, we finally heard back from the doctor and pharmacy. Our insurance denied the new drug the doctor was trying to prescribe and wants us to try something else first. As if 22 other medications didn't indicate that we have tried many others before this one. The new prescription was sent to the pharmacy only for them to inform me they needed to talk to the doctor's office again because he would then be on two different anti-epileptic medications. I kept questioning the lady on the phone. I couldn't understand why it was a big deal that he was prescribed two anti-epileptic medications. We have been on 5 at a time before. Why was this suddenly an issue? I don't understand why it is so hard to get my son help. Is this even going to be help? What's the point of another pill? We are having seizures every three days. After 22 medications is anything really going to help? I guess I will just shove another pill down his throat and hope and pray that is does something to help. First do no harm!?!?!?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

What a super spectacular mother's day! I was spoiled rotten. The kids and Matt got me a spi belt, a kitchenaid stand mixer, and a hand drawn portrait of our family. They took me to Mahoney Grill for lunch. After lunch we played at the activity center. My knees will take at least a week to recover! Then we headed home for a nap and crab legs for dinner. We had to finish off the night with dessert in the basement as the tornado sirens were going off. The only thing that would have made the day any better would have been good kids in church but I know how much that is asking!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I hate that he understands!

Another stinking seizure. This is ridiculous! How did we go through 20 something medications and brain surgery and we are worse now then we were before. Jayen's seizures are occurring every 3-4 days now. This one today was very upsetting, apparently for both of us. Jayen seemed to be aware of what was going on. He was still seizing, but when I told him I had to go get his medicine he started making this pouty face and getting very upset. I know he doesn't like the diastat, but was he concious enough to understand? I was very upset with how upset he was getting. I think he understands and I hate it. How do I teach him? How do I help him understand that I have to do the diastat? How do I help him understand that he has these stupid seizures and I can't do anything?
I love you buddy and I pray everyday that these seizures go away. I pray that I can give you a better life. I pray that one day you will not know or understand what seizures are.

Friday, May 2, 2014

This just can't be happening again

I'm sure I am the annoying mom at the doctor's office, but I just don't understand how this could possibly be happening. Jayen once again had a seizure when he woke up from his afternoon nap. When Jayen got out of bed I had him lay down with me in my bed. He was wiggling for a little bit then stopped. I wasn't sure if he fell back to sleep or what was happening. But the second I heard his lip smacking I knew. I rolled him over and was immediatley upset, sad, pissed, and so many other emotions. What does he have to do? What does he have to go through? Why can't these damn things go away. Waiting to hear back from Dr. Frost's office as to what to do next. It sounds like another new medicine.
After recovering from the seizure, mommy called daddy to see if we could make a quick trip to the zoo. Dalan is spending the night at a friends house, his first sleepover, so we wanted to do something fun with the other two. We love the zoo and hope they have something similar in comparison in Arizona.