About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Emotional mommy and (what?) an emotional daddy!

We have been counting down the days until Matt leaves for training. We are devastated to see him leave, but that is the sacrifice we have chosen as a military family. I've been trying to hold it together and not let the kids see how much this upsets me. I hope I can be strong for them. This is going to be hard on all of us. We will get through this and will hopefully be stronger because of it.
Daddy is getting everything ready to go and doing everything for the last time. Today was daddy's last game as Jayen's coach for his All Play team. Tom and Tanya and family made the trip down to watch the game too. They wanted to support Jayen and Matt and our entire family. It was so nice having them here. I know they will be a big help while Matt is gone. After the game we quickly headed home to catch the end of the Husker game too. Thankfully they pulled off a win and we didn't have to see crabby daddy, which made for a better evening!

After naps, we were being kicked out of the house by Tom and Tanya but we had a better idea in mind. We were going to set up a movie in the back yard, but the bugs were horrible. Matt worked so hard on getting the garage clean, I think he was excited to be able to host a movie there. This was so awesome! (Pun intended, since we watched Lego Movie with the kids and there is a song called Everything Is Awesome)
After the Lego Movie we put the kids to bed and the parents watched Heaven Is For Real. I wasn't sure what Matt would think of the movie. I really wanted to read the book first, but reality set in and I knew that wasn't going to happen. Emotional overload took over my body. I think I was crying through the whole thing. It really made me think of Jayen and all he has gone through. What has he all experienced but just doesn't have the words to tell us? Did anything happen to him in surgery? Does he/will he believe in God?
I was a wreck after the movie but what happened after took me back even more. When we went to bed, Matt leaned over and asked me how much of the movie made me think of Jayen. I smiled and said all of it. He then proceeded to tell me there were a couple parts that made him tear up. WHAT? My strong husband finally cracked. I know I have seen him emotional before, but I couldn't tell you when. It just doesn't happen that often. I know how much Jayen's disability affects me, but I don't often know how if affects my husband. I of course, cried myself to sleep after that. This journey has been tough, but we will get through it together, and be stronger because of it!

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