About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Broken Promises

Day two of one absent para and no coverage. I emailed Jayen's case manager again, since she said that was the best way to get ahold of her, and still haven't heard anything. I'm still so disappointed! When no one was available again this morning, I pulled Jayen from the classroom and went to find the principal. She was the one who assured me that they would pull from in campus to make sure there was coverage. When I confronted her, I once again got the attitude that "nothing is of concern. Jayen will be fine! Just drop him off and go!" I pushed the issue and said I couldn't leave him until someone was available to be with him. She then left to see if the para who is scheduled with him later in the day was available to be in the classroom early. I'm really struggling with all of this. If you have promised that someone would be there and that you have back up figured out if they are going to be absent but never come through and provide it, don't you think that would break my trust and upset me. I would have never worried about issues like this in Bellevue. I trusted the staff and felt like Jayen's safety was never a concern. I felt like they were pushing him to reach his fullest potential. I felt like they always wanted Jayen there and wanted what was best for him. I have the opposite of all these feelings with this school. I'm so lost and don't know how to actually make people do what they say they are going to do. Another email to the case manager.

Ms. Miller,

I sent an email yesterday but haven't heard anything in response and the same issue occurred today. I approached Mrs. Tipton today and she tracked down Ms. Kahli to be in the room with Jayen a little early. I'm really struggling with this! I hope I can be open and honest with my communication. I am struggling understanding how I can be assured repeatedly that a schedule has been set and things are in place if someone is absent, but the first day that is put to the test we fail miserably. Yesterday I stayed in the classroom until Ms. Kahli came in and arrived early to pick Jayen up when Ms. Kahli leaves for lunch. I'm told a substitute was called for, but even myself being an educator understands that that doesn't mean anything until someone is physically on property. Even if a substitute is called I don't understand how throwing Jayen in the classroom without support until that person arrives is appropriate. My son does not have a wheelchair or a trachea tube, but I'm sure if he did he would never be left in the classroom without support and hope that someone will answer the district's substitute call. Would you ever send kids to the classroom without a teacher in there and hope that eventually a sub shows up? This is how I feel with Jayen. I understand there are other adults in the classroom but the supervision that is supposed to be there for him isn't and an appropriate solution has not been found. I hope you understand how this breaks my trust in the school again. I feel that Jayen's needs are not being met or considered. 
I still haven't heard a response from this email either. Feeling defeated!

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