About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Another day with the Babcocks and another Diamondbacks game

Tami hooked us up with the Hope Kids foundation when we moved here. Shortly after we were approved an event opened to see the Diamondbacks. We jumped on that opportunity and asked the Babcocks to join us.  

Brilyn about tackled this mascot trying to get his attention. She wanted her picture taken with him at any cost. Dalan was ok getting in the picture too, but Jayen was on the other side of the ball diamond by the time we even started asking him to get in the picture. That has got to be his number one biggest fear.

Although it doesn't look like it, the boys had a great time! We all love hanging out with the Babcocks and who doesn't love watching a baseball game?

We went with another Hope Kid family through the elevator this time. It was a much better experience than the hour we waited in line last time.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today was a little crazy! This morning Dalan went to soccer try outs for a premier league. The coach was very impressed and invited him to play for the team. I was excited for him but was nervous when I heard the cost. Oh my! Not sure mom can scrounge up that kind of cash.
Immediately after try outs we headed on base for an EFMP outing. I was kind of excited to meet other families and learn what the area has to offer. I knew our friends from TEAM 4 Kids would be there. When we showed up, we were a little disappointed. There were only a handful of tables with information available and I was already using the services from three of them. At least there were things for the kids to do? Not really! They took the rock wall down about 30 minutes after we got there, the bouncy house kept them entertained for a whopping 30 minutes, so we were left with face painting. Jayen stood in line for about 10 then had enough. Brilyn and Dalan lasted a little longer and their patience paid off. How cute are these two?

This guy was amazing! I got his business card and hope to get him for a party sometime. It turned out to be kind of fun. I just wish they had more families attend. I need to find friends here!
At least we ended the night with some friends. Mommy and daddy had their first date night. We went on a double date with Tami and Jason Babcock! What a perfect evening. I can't wait to do it again!

Friday, April 24, 2015

School Carnival

It was a great night filled with games, food, fun and a little resentment. Sonoran Heights held their Spring concert and carnival tonight. I loved seeing Dalan on stage singing! He played the triangle and even did a dance with a partner. Mommy was gushing with joy.
Daddy was suckered into buying tickets for the carnival, but I think it was worth it. Well, at least half of them. Jayen and Brilyn spotted a train ride and couldn't resist. The lines were a little long everywhere, so dad and Dalan waited in line for the pony rides while we were on the train. Yep, pony rides, rock wall, ball games, food trucks all included. Jayen was handed a bunch of tickets while we were waiting in line for the food truck. We had more tickets than we could get rid of in one night. When it was finally time to call it quits and head home we grabbed our bikes and Daddy had a great idea. The kids won finger flashlights at one of the games. They became great tools to help us get home safely.
I loved this event and was happy to feel like a part of the school, but it also made me sad. This was Jayen's school but isn't anymore. This was my dream to have the kids in the same school within walking distance of the house, but my dream was shattered. Do I have to go to two school carnivals now? Do I have to do the fundraisers at two schools? I wish things were they way we had hoped and prayed for.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The best note I've ever received from school!

My heart melted today after receiving this note in our communication notebook. I think Jayen is transitioning well! Thank you Ms. Kayli for making this transition easier on all of us. I'm so thankful you are there with him. I know you have his best interest in mind.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Last Buddy Ball Game

We've all really enjoyed our time playing buddy ball. I'm so proud of Matt and the work he did with all the kids. He was truly amazing! Jayen had one of the greatest coaches I've ever met.

After the game Matt gave each of the kids their own baseball signed with a personal messaged so they can continue to practice at home and the city game each of them a trophy.

Matt was presented with a gift from the city for his time and talents.

I wish I could have gotten a picture with all the kiddos but some were not able to make it for the last game.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Late night hike

We knew we had another busy weekend ahead of us so we tried to get in a hike before the weekend began. Daddy often has been getting home late so we had everything ready to go when he got home. We filled our water bottles and headed out the door. We were a little worried the sun was going to go down on us too fast, but it was actually perfect.

I love the family time we get together and the exercise! My goal is to finish all the trails on the White Tanks before we move!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Trying whatever I can!

I've been having the hardest time getting the kids to stay sitting when it is time to eat. So today I tried something new. I downloaded a visual timer and opened a bag of mini m&m's. I started out trying to build success with one minute on the timer. If they stayed in their seat for one minute then they got one m&m. The next time I set the timer for two minutes then three. We had some success. I just need to figure out how to get them to eat more food then candy!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Third First Day of School This Year!

Today was Jayen's first day of school at Rancho Gabriela; his third first day of school this school year. I'm so happy Ms. Kayli is able to follow Jayen to his new school. I really like her and feel she works well with Jayen. This transition worries me and I wish I was able to stay with him during the day to make sure this is what we feel is best for him. When we moved here Matt didn't have to report to work immediately so I was able to be with Jayen at school and dad could stay home with Brilyn. Now I don't have that support at home so I just have to trust what is happening in the classroom. That is hard to give that trust to a district that has done everything possible to loose that trust. Ms. Kayli's face when I picked him up was a great sign of the day. She was smiling and so excited. She really loved the classroom and the management. I think this is going to be a good transition.
After school we had our typical chaotic day; come home eat, therapy, pick up Dalan from school, run home put kids to bed, then keep busy until daddy comes home and it's time to eat then bed again. The day was going as well as usual until dinner time. I was grilling, the kids were playing outside, and Matt ran to the store to get some supplies for dinner. Jayen was playing with some rocks and a Frisbee. I asked him to put the rocks back then Dalan yelled at him too. When he got to the last rock he decided to throw it instead. The little shiznit threw the rock directly at the sliding glass door and it shattered. I had food on the grill, my blood was boiling, glass was everywhere, and I was home by myself. I sent the kids to their rooms and tried to get the food off the grill, tape up the window, and keep them away from any of the glass outside. This day just needs to be over.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

You won't believe the weekend we just had!

Ok, so it's not the #1 zoo in the world like we are used to but the time with my family was worth it. We couldn't decide what to do today so we checked one more thing off our list while we are still forced to be here! Wildlife World is just a couple miles from our house and we've been meaning to go for a while. Dalan was here a couple weeks ago with his class, so he was our guide and showed us all the cool exhibits. I think the highlights were the white peacock, the parrot that said "Hello", and feeding the giraffes. Ok, well maybe the kids didn't like it as much as we thought they would. They actually all freaked out when that gigantic, long tongue came within a foot of them. It was pretty neat and I hope we can try it again.

We had to leave the zoo somewhat early so we could squeeze naps in before we had to leave for the hockey game. We were able to score private suite tickets for the Coyote game. The kids had such a great time the last time we went. The tickets suite was donated to HOPE KIDS. Jayen recently became a HOPE kid due to his diagnoses. This was our first event and we weren't sure how it was going to go, but we were so excited. I think hockey is a place where Jayen can be free. I don't have to tell him to sit down or be quiet. He gets to be himself and no one cares! We met so many great people at the event. It was nice to connect with other families going through similar struggles. We even met one family who went through brain surgery twice then just recently received a VNS. I hope I can connect with that mom again. 

Our private suite. We had to get super secret hand stamps in order to get on this level. The kids kept asking if they could go check their stamps. I think Dalan went to the bathroom twice as often as he needed just to check it out under the black light!

Wayne freaking Gretzky jersey in the suite. Holy cow! Even I know who that is!

This was the whole group of HOPE KIDS that attended the hockey game. Thanks for sharing the evening with us.

After the game was over we stood in line for over an hour so the kids could go on the ice and shoot one puck. 

A little more muscle on that stick and she would have had it! 

Jayen was so close. A little more heat and his would have gone in too. He was pretty proud of himself!

Dalan had no problem getting it in. What a pro! 

After they shot, the kids were all presented with their own Arizona Coyote puck! I'm pretty sure they all slept with their pucks. What a great night it was. I later learned that the suite was donated by Cindy and John McCain. I can't wait to write that thank you letter!
We were all very excited about the day we had and tried to sleep a little before we were off to our next adventure. We woke up Sunday morning, went to church then got our gloves ready. YEP, GLOVES! Ok, baseball gloves. Jayen's therapy center posted on their Facebook page the other day about a big surprise happening at the baseball game and hoped people could be there wearing their shirts and supporting them. I wrote back that I wish we could be there to support them but tickets for the whole family are out of our price range. So they should let us know what the surprise was when they returned. I was in shock when the owner sent me a text message asking how many people were in my family. He wanted to send us to the game. I was so grateful! When we go to baseball games we have to buy the cheap seats in the grass. We weren't prepared for what he treated us to. Once again we were in a section that required the super secret stamp! The kids couldn't believe they got to do this again. And yes the stamp was as big of a hit as it was yesterday! Our seats were so amazing. I think we all giggled and cried a bit. We were treated to Diamond Level, All you can eat seats. This was too amazing. I would never be able to provide my kids with this opportunity! I'm so thankful to Bob at Team 4 Kids for making a dream come true for us. 


We learned the surprise was Bob's wife Lisa, who is Jayen's OT, was out on the field for the first pitch. Our friend, Connor from Buddy Baseball, was throwing out the first pitch and asked Ms. Lisa to be out there with him. This was a double surprise for us! We got to see Ms. Lisa and Connor on the field. Can't wait to see Connor on Thursday and ask him why he didn't tell us. Coach Matt could have practiced his pitching with him. We think he might have to replace Coach Kyle as all time pitcher! 

Of course the kids couldn't pass up the opportunity to run the bases when they heard that announced! Again the wait was over an hour but to them it was totally worth it! Dalan was too fast for me to get a picture, Jayen was in the middle of a bunch of kids so this was the best I got for him, and Brilyn got to first then decided to go home. (Literally she ran back to first then off the field to find me! I thought she had watched enough baseball to know which way to go. Guess we'll work on that one!)

We sincerely thank Bob and Lisa from the bottom of our hearts for the most amazing time. Thank you for giving my family the gift of time together, amazing memories, and new experiences. Arizona doesn't feel like home, but you have made it a very special place for us!