About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Goodbye Allissa

Why does it have to come to an end? I've loved every minute of having my sister here. We've been planning on going to a Diamondback's game for at least a month now. Shawn Lambrecht came down from Las Vegas to go with us. He's a huge Cubs fan.

Allissa and Dalan had to get in one wrestling match before she left. Dalan was so sure he was going to beat her. It didn't happen.

 He put his hat over his heart for the national anthem. He did it all on his own. I was one proud momma!
Brilyn couldn't get enough of Shawn. I had to send this picture to Shawn's wife. Hope she wasn't too jealous!

Yeah yeah we look alike, I know! I going to miss you Sis! Wish you could stay!

I love these boys! It is so fun hanging out with them. Thanks Nolan, Darin, and Jason for going to the game with us. We love spending time with you guys. I can't believe how good our kids are together. I would have thought they had been friends forever.

After the game we headed to the elevator to run the bases again. I love being able to go on the field. I think some of the biggest kids loved it too.

After the game, it was time to take Allissa to the airport. I think I started crying before we left the ball field. Matt was so nice and took all the kids with him so I could have some time with my sister before she left. We were at the airport early enough so we grabbed a bite to eat. The lady behind the counter asked us how our day was and once again we both started crying. Our day was amazing until right now when I have to start saying goodbye. I love my sister and have loved every second I've had with her. I don't want her to leave. We cried thought our meal and all the way to the gate, but had to laugh when she got stuck at security. I was waiting until she was past before I left. It took almost a half an hour to get through security. The police had to be called to clear her. Allissa's purse was camouflage with two metal gun shapes on the front. Yep, the guns set off the metal detector and had to be cleared by two police officers before she could go. It was worth the laugh. Glad she was there early enough! Goodbye sister. I love you and will miss you. Look at your calendar and let me know when you can come back again.

When I got back to the house I helped the kids get ready for bed. Brilyn was so excited to sleep on Allissa's side of the bed. I think she misses her already.

Matt, Shawn, and I stayed up to play some Phase 10. We allowed Dalan to stay up for a little bit. He thought he was so cool being able to stay up late. He was such a card shark. I think the hat brought him luck. He was kicking all our butts!

What an amazing weekend! Wish it wouldn't end. So glad it is Memorial Day tomorrow and I get one more day with my hubby and family.

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