About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Two places at once!

We had to check out of the hotel today and head back to our house in Arizona. This time though, we were taking the short way back and stopping at the Hoover Dam. You really can't just drive past it without stopping once right? We had to park miles and miles away, walk through the crazy heat to get there, piggy back rides for all the complaining kids, but when we found them flat pennies for their books they were happy! I guess the dam didn't excite them much but the pennies made it all worth it in their book. I want to show my kids the world. We may not be able to take them on fabulous, expensive vacations, but we will do the best we can. I thought it was pretty neat. We were even able to find the point in the bridge that Arizona meet Nevada. We had Dalan place a foot on either side and explained how he was in two places at once. Then he kept jumping back to the Arizona side and said he wanted to stay in Arizona forever. Not happening kid! But we will make the best of it while we are here!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lunch and relaxation!

Michelle has such a great memory, she remembered a time when Matt was in Las Vegas for training and met him at the Hofbrauhaus. Apparently Matt and his friends really liked it. I have a feeling it was more the booze than the food but they were both pretty good. We were all able to meet up again! What am I going to do when we have to leave tomorrow. I think I should move to Vegas and Matt can come live with us on the weekends? At least I would have a little family near then! This place was really neat. While we were waiting for our food, Dalan was asked to help with a song. He was told to play the bell when pointed to. It took him a couple tries to understand but he eventually picked it up! A little while later the musician was making an announcement (his accent was very thick and he was hard to understand) and mentioned something about Nebraska; I'm guessing he saw Dalan's shirt when he was playing the bells. Just as he was mentioning Nebraska a table to guys was sitting down and one of them thought he was talking about him. Apparently he was from Nebraska too. He was in awe that they musician knew that! Well, we let him in on it a little later! The musician however, started playing Hail Varsity! What the heck! How did we just get a German restaurant in Las Vegas to play the Nebraska fight song? It was so funny but awesome! After lunch it was time to say goodbye to my Vegas cousins. We had our luau tonight and were taking off tomorrow. I hate saying goodbye but I know that since we are only four hours apart we will be seeing each other again soon!

After lunch we decided to forgo naps in order to get more time at the pool and pray it doesn't backfire on us later tonight. Our pool time so far has been split up by all our running around. This was nice to have the rest of the afternoon to just play in the sun! We hopped back and forth from the main pool to the lazy river. Brilyn was floating on my back in the lazy river and apparently felt very lazy; she fell asleep while floating. Naptime for her lasted about an hour while the rest of us swam and floated! I think it was a win win!

Happy Anniversary honey! It isn't Hawaii or Jamaica but it is with you and that is what matters most!

Dalan and Jayen were playing so nice together. They all were actually! The boys were having jumping contests in the pool. Dalan was being so supportive of Jayen and even jumped in and put his hands out to catch Brilyn a couple times.

Notice the drink? I think he needs another hand. I'll grab the beer!

We stayed in the pool as long as we possibly could before we had to get ready for the luau! Since we weren't sure if we would be able to go to the luau or not I really didn't pack luau clothes for anyone. We got in line early to make sure we could get a good spot, but other people had the same idea and beat us. I packed the tablet, ipad, and DS to keep them occupied if the luau didn't. Hoping we don't have to use them.

IMPOSSIBLE to get a good picture of the three of them!

The couple in front of us was trying to take a picture so I stole their camera and took it for them. Then they insisted on returning the favor. It actually started a chain reaction. Matt then took the picture for the couple behind us.

It sure isn't the Kalua pork he remembers but he still ate his fair share (plus some)!

I would have much rather been in Hawaii but we still had fun. I liked being able to share this experience with the kids.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Nebraska Cousins!

I can only imagine Michelle and Kristen felt the same way when someone came to visit them. Michelle informed me that Julian woke up this morning asking for his Nebraska cousins. I now know how they feel not having family around all the time. Michelle, Franco, Julian, and baby Raphael joined us at the resort for some swimming and family time. The dads took the kids to the pool while the mommies ooooh'd and ahhhhhhh'd over baby Raphael. It was a little too hot for him so Michelle and Raphael went up to the room while the rest of us stayed to swim. There was a main pool with a sand beach but also a lazy river pool. We played in the main pool for a little while then headed over to the lazy river. The kids started getting hungry and tired. We went up to the room to put clothes on then decided to all go to Buffalo Wild Wings. We were really pushing things with the kids, so when it took F O R E V E R to get our food it didn't take long for the meltdowns to start. Jayen was content with the game system they provided, but when it was too distracting for Dalan and Brilyn I asked them all to put them away. This triggered Jayen to start an epic meltdown. He got off of his chair, walked over to me in a huff, and threw the tablet at me causing my drink and salad to fly across the table. We asked for boxes and left the restaurant as quickly as we could. It was time for NAPS!




We were able to get the two little ones to take a nap, the biggest one laid beside them and was out before they were. But this gave mommy a chance to hang out with Dalan just the two of us. On our floor there was an activity center with pool, foosball, and air hockey tables. I had so much fun beating Dalan. He says he let me win! But I realized how quickly he is growing up right in front of my eyes. He is such an amazing little man. I wish I had more time like this with him! We let the rest of them sleep for an hour, but had to wake them up so we could go to Michelle and Franco's house for dinner. Michelle invited Kristen and Anthony over so we could all be together. They had the most delicious food but the company was even better. I am so glad my cousins are so close. I am looking forward to more family meals with them. More cousin time!
After dinner we headed back to the hotel but there were lights in the distance that were beckoning us. You can't go to Vegas without checking out the strip right? I'm sure Matt would have loved for us to drop him off at any one of the casinos, but we didn't unlock the doors for anyone to get out. They city of lights caught my attention and kept the kids' for a few minutes at least!  

What great family memories we have made. So excited for more family time and more memories!