About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


No day should start out this early; 4:30 AM is a time I only remember seeing on the clock only a handful of times. One time I was just coming back after the 4am bar close and heading to bed instead of leaving it. My nerves didn't let me sleep much so 4:30 came way too fast! Of course no food or drink for Jayen so Matt and I snuck a quick bite before waking him. Dalan was able to spend the night at a friend's house so we didn't have to wake him this early. We tried getting Jayen and Brilyn in the car so they could continue to sleep for the 40 minute drive, but they decided they had more than enough energy. Traffic was crazy, even at 5 AM. We ended up being about 10 minutes late for check in. In admissions and my nerves hit the roof; the 30 minute wait for someone to actually check us in didn't help at all. I'm so glad we brought the iPad to entertain them with Frozen. In the pre-op area there was a cute waiting and play area. Jayen challenged Matt to a few games of air hockey to pass the time.

Matt drew the short straw and went in pre-op. Apparently Jayen put up a pretty good fight when they brought out the mask. I WARNED THEM! He knows what that thing is. When Matt came back out of the operating room we took Brilyn to the cafeteria. I did like how they had the OR board on the wall to update you on the progress. We got back to the waiting room before they were finished and the nerves couldn't have gotten any worse. I thought it was only supposed to take about 45 minutes and we were well over 2 hours. They finally came out and said everything went well. Jayen ended up needing 4 cavities filled and two crowns. The anesthesiologist said we needed to let him sleep as long as possible. They didn't want me going back until he woke up because they didn't want me seeing the tube down his throat and to make sure he stayed asleep as long as possible. We kind of laughed at the explanation since we've been there through brain surgery and have seen so much scarier shit. After we explained that the anesthesiologist came back out and brought me to the room. Not long after Jayen started waking. They weren't kidding when they said he was going to be mad. He would wake up long enough to yell mom, hit me, then pass back out. I crawled in the bed, snuggled with him and did everything I could to not cry. After a few rounds hitting then passing out again, he finally woke up enough to chug two apple juices.

We were able to leave a few minutes later. I couldn't believe how well he bounced back. I'm so happy this is behind us. 

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