About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Kindergarten graduation

Although I know we will do it again next year, I was a little teary eyed to see my little man graduating! So many emotions running through me today. I always worry and wonder where he will end up in life. I worry about the friends he will make. I worry about the hallways he will have to walk through. I worry about people understanding him but loving him even if they can't. I worry, I worry, I worry.

Jayen has been through a lot this year and has still made some progress. He had some great friends and some wonderful teachers by his side. Ms. Kayli has been Jayen's para shortly after starting school in Arizona. She has one of the most amazing qualities that can't be taught and I'm forever grateful; she LOVES Jayen! She has seen him grow and make friends. I'm a little jealous of the interactions she gets to witness between him and his friends. Thankfully Ms. Kayli has agreed, once again, to move schools with Jayen. We are excited to have her back next year to help Jayen with the transition back to Sonoran Heights. 

Ms. Peggy Hess is Jayen's special education teacher. She keeps me on my toes as much as I keep her on hers. I think in another life we were drinking partners. She could roll with the punches and knew that I was always trying to do what was best for Jayen and I believed she did too. We will miss her next year. 

Mrs. Jillian Scott was Jayen's kindergarten teacher for a large portion of his school year. She came in got the ball rolling immediately. She is always so bubbly and wonderful with the kids. Since Kindergarten was half days this year, Mrs. Scott also taught at Sonoran Heights for the afternoon. She will be going back to full time Kindergarten at Sonoran Heights and we are crossing our fingers that Jayen can be in her class again next year! 

All of these ladies have contributed to Jayen's education this year and I'm thankful for them!

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