About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, October 17, 2016


After Grandma found out about the snakes in the window well she requested Grandpa move them to a safer location, far, far, far FAR away! Since Grandpa left early that morning, we enlisted Matt to take care of them. Dalan thought he was big enough to help so we sent him out as well. Mom, Jayen and Brilyn had front row seats safely behind the glass! There were four snakes in one window and two in the other. Matt was able to jump in a grab the first snake. He carefully put it in a milk jug while Dalan was holding it. I could see he was nervous. When Matt grabbed the second and opened the milk jug lid to put him in, the first one started coming back out. Dalan's eyes exploded and he couldn't handle it anymore. The boys ditched this idea and decided just to let the rest of them go. They were quickly moved out of the yard. It was such an exciting thing to watch from the safety of indoors. Goodbye snakes!

After the snake show, we took the boys to get Grandpa's truck so they could go check on deer stands. The girls decided to meet up with Grandma for lunch!

Since we had a couple minutes before Grandma could meet us we decided to check out the Meridian Bridge. I had not been on the bridge since they turned it into a pedestrian bridge. It was so neat to see. Brilyn and I had so much fun exploring the top and the bottom and the musical instruments.  

After lunch we found the boys back in Wynot finishing up their lunch. We dropped Grandpa's truck back off for him and headed to Hartington to hang out with Grandpa Hochstein and Uncle Adam one more time before we had to leave for Omaha.

Brilyn was, once again, stuck to Grandpa Hochstein's side. She went everywhere he went and had to be his partner for cards. We ate and played cards late into the night. And by the end had to say goodbyes. I HATE goodbyes. Goodbye Grandpa and Adam. We will miss you so much!

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