About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

So special he doesn't need special!

Words couldn't even begin to explain how proud of this little man I am today. His first basketball game with neurotypical peers! Although we still need to work on defense and offense too, he did a great job! He ran up and down the court when others were, he took water breaks like the other kids, he ran towards the ball in most cases, and smiled the entire time. My biggest fear was that he was going to be the disabled kid parents moan about being on the court because it means they will probably loose or at the very least take time away from their child. I didn't feel that way. Jayen was included and you would have never guessed that he was any different than any of the other kids out there. I'm so proud of him. I can't stop crying and laughing. He truly is such and inspiration and I don't know what I would do without him. He has an amazing coach who truly takes the time to teach. Jayen looks up to him and I can't wait to see what this basketball season will bring!

Great job Jayen! You moved another mountain right underneath my eyes. I'm always there behind you cheering you on and helping whenever you need me. Keep going buddy!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Nervous but Excited

I've been tossing around the idea with Matt for a couple weeks now and Wednesday night I asked Jeni and Kyle, with the city of Surprise Rec department, if they thought Jayen could play on a regular youth basketball team. I wasn't sure that the 7 to 8 age range would be appropriate for him as I remember it being quite aggressive when Dalan played, more aggressive than football! But was hopeful the city would let Jayen play down an age group. Jeni talked with the recreation department head and informed me they would give Jayen an age waiver so he could play with the 5 to 6 year olds. I was so excited but still faced with trepidation. Is this too much for Jayen? Am I throwing him into something that is too advanced for him? Am I blind to my son's abilities and thinking he is better than he actually is? Is he going to be the kid out on the court that all the parents sigh when it's his turn to play? I don't even know if trepidation begins to explain the worries and fears running through my head right now.
BUT...I went for it anyway. Today I unenrolled him from buddy basketball and enrolled him in youth basketball. I'm hopeful that he will be assigned great coaches who will also help him grow as a basketball player and a teammate. He won't continue to grow if he/we don't take chances. Jayen's voice in my head keeps telling me, "Take a leap of faith, mom! I can do this!"

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Buddy Basketball

It is that time of year again, basketball season! One of Jayen's favorite sports! Today is the first day of buddy basketball and while we are still sad that Grandma and Grandpa had to leave today, we are so excited to see our friends and shoot some hoops.

Jayen was getting a little frustrated with the pace of activities and started displaying some behaviors. I really wonder how we can increase the speed of the game for him but still make it appropriate for all abilities. We will have to get with Ms. Jeni and Mr. Kyle!

Broken hearted

Goodbyes are never easy, but they seem to get incrementally harder each time. Why? I had the most amazing time not only with my parents but more so watching them with my kids. I'm so sad that this is something they can't have more of. Goodbye mom and dad. We are so thankful you made us a priority and spent as much time as you did here. We will miss you so much! Travel safe and come back again soon!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Making it count

I don't even want to talk or think about it. How can this be their last day here? How are we going to let them get on that plane tomorrow? The time has gone too fast and I just don't want it to end. We didn't plan anything for today because we wanted to just be together.
The kids decided they wanted to go bowling. Matt wanted to play arcade games. So we headed to Main Event. But when we got there, there were no more bowling lanes open. The kids played the arcade games for a little while then it was time for Jayen to head to therapy. Since there were no lanes open here, the rest of us were going to waste a little time before heading towards the bowling alley next door to Jayen's therapy.
I had really been wanting to take the kids to yogurtini after Dalan went with some friends before they moved. There was one not too far away, so Grandma, Grandpa, Dalan, Brilyn and I headed there.

Boy did Brilyn's eyes light up when she saw this place. There is an entire wall of yogurt machines with dozens of different flavors and another wall with a bar full of every topping imaginable! At that moment, I could imagine what her face would look like if we had just entered Disney World. The kids discovered these little jelly filled balls. They named them fish eggs and kept trying to convince Papa to try them. In true Papa fashion, he ate one then immediately started wiggling like on was in his stomach then made a fart like noise and wide eyed told Brilyn he thought it just came out. She was just a wide eyed and immediately looked under the table to see if a fish popped out. Such a gullible kid. Never ever believe Papa!

When the brain freeze wore off and their pants were pushing against their stomachs, it was time to meet Jayen and dad at the bowling alley.

10 frames of blowing and we were all ready for a nap. I can't even remember who won, but I remember the laughs and cheers as each person when up. Such a fun way to be together and share our last day together. But time to go home and let them pack (not sure I can fit in their suitcase after all the yogurt). Tomorrow is going to be one depressing day!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Caretaker taking care

I originally wasn't going to write about today because it didn't concern Jayen and I like to keep this MOSTLY about Jayen and how his disability changes our lives (most often in a positive way)! But I realized, it's ok. I am the primary caregiver for my son. I could rattle off to the first person who asks his list of current medications including doses, his current outpatient therapy, his current ABA therapy, the goals that he is working on at school, etc. I have to keep track of everything he does and how well he does it. My mind is always on him but sometimes, I NEED A BREAK!
For Christmas this year, Matt and I decided that we weren't going to exchange gifts. I was really trying to convince him to make it work for us to go to Mexico for a friends wedding in February, but we just couldn't find a way. So instead, I was able to convince him and my dad that we could go on a mini excursion. For my parents' 20th anniversary the kids were going in on a hot air balloon ride for them. The weather in Nebraska just wouldn't cooperate and it was cancelled. Nearly 15 years later, I was able to get them and us up nearly 3200 ft in the air. I've always wanted to do it and now I not only could cross something off of my bucket list, but I was able to do it with my parents and help them cross it off of theirs. Such a spectacular evening with the most amazing company to share it with. Sorry kids! Maybe when you are older!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Full day of fun

Even after making it to midnight, we had a full day of fun planned and needed to get started early. Church always seems so early, but after the long night it was extra early this morning. We weren't as bright eyed as usual. I think we all stayed awake! Well, at least until the first reading!
We were able to wake the boys back up by convincing them we would take them out to eat. We have really wanted to try Dillon's at the zoo but never had a good enough reason to check it out. Now that Grandma and Grandpa were here, we had a legitimate reason. The place was so neat! We were able to get a table right by the aquarium. The kids loved watching the stingray swim by as we were eating. The food was pretty good too! But we had so much we wanted to do and our days and time with Grandma and Grandpa were dwindling.

After a quick change of clothes and a few more seconds to let our food settle, we were off on our next adventure. We had to take them to see the waterfall again. But this time we were so excited because the waterfall actually had water! It had recently rained, so it was perfect timing. On our way up, we spotted some deer in the desert. What a day of firsts. We have never seen wildlife while hiking, and we have never seen the waterfall actually flowing.

Our shoes may have gotten a little wet, but we made it and it was amazing! We made it home and  finished off our night with a toast to the new year. I can't wait to see what this year brings. I hope it brings many more moments like these with our loved ones.