About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

The Easter tradition continues; Nope, not the one where someone sneaks down the steps and eats all the chocolate before anyone wakes but the one where the Easter Bunny hides Robin Eggs and other chocolate delights all over the house in every nook and cranny. When I was little the Easter Bunny did the same at my parent's house. The cabinets in the kitchen were where I ran to first. I knew there were millions on every door and drawer. I'm so thankful the bunny did that for me and has continued the tradition with my kids. It truly is one of the things I look forward to on Easter morning.

The bunny was smart enough this year to not place chocolates too high on the steps so that some little blonde could get to them and sneak a bite or two before everyone else awoke. So this year when the first little footsteps were heard pounding through the hallway, we quickly jumped out of bed and stopped them from reaching the steps before us. When everyone was dressed we held them off for a few more minutes to snap some annual step pictures. Boy was this like pulling teeth. They were itching to start picking up the candy and couldn't wait one more second!

That pesky little bunny must have had a helper this year because that helper was tired and wanted to go to bed so he didn't place the neatly on shelves and ledges but instead took a whole bag and dumped it all over the floor. I guess that is what the bunny gets for asking for help!

The bunny brought the kids their fill of chocolate so the gifts from mom and dad were less edible. Instead of baskets we bought new bike helmets and turned them upside down to fill them with more gifts. We couldn't eat too many treats or play with our new toys for too long since we had to get dressed for church.

Once they were dressed and ready for church we let them head outside to find the rest of the eggs.

and, of course, more pictures!!!!

The robin eggs all over the house are a Kuchta tradition, but we can't leave out the Hochstein traditions too. Matt's family has always taken the hard boiled eggs and found the most fun way of cracking them. They have EGG WARS!!! Each person gets an egg and rolls it towards a center mark. The winner is the one whose egg is not cracked. Play continues until all the eggs are cracked and ready for the big prize; deviled eggs!

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