About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Another fun food night

It's only tradition; where else would we take our cousins but Yogurtini!!!! We love their $5 fill up days. The kids may go a little overboard. Their eyes are always bigger than their stomachs. What a great way to beat this heat!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Let the fun continue

Even though we have company here, we have to keep our schedule somewhat intact. Therapies must continue or we face the wrath of the insurance companies or our therapy company takes our spots away if we miss too many times. So, Tom and Tanya agreed to keep the other kids so they could play with their cousins. I had planned ahead for some fun activities. I bought some of those Bunch-O water balloons in 7 different colors so each child could identify their own balloons. I didn't think Jayen would enjoy this as much as the other kids, so we had to ease him into it. He was screaming and crying and showing his distain. So we convinced him to throw the first balloon on the ground to signal the start of the showdown. With tears streaming down his face he threw it and ran! 

We had enough time to watch a few throws and laughed until our bellies hurt. Everyone was enjoying themselves, except Jayen. He kept his distance and wasn't thrilled when a balloon broke on someone. He is very protective and didn't want anyone getting hurt.

We had to leave but left explicit instructions, that anyone who threw a balloon was responsible for cleaning up. I know they were having fun and I'm excited Dalan and Brilyn get more time with their cousins. Sitting in the therapy room is not always fun, but they do it without whining on most occasions. I'm so grateful they understand the sacrifice we all make to help Jayen grow. But I love when they can be rewarded with days like these.

After therapy Jayen walked outside and saw the car and said, "my car". I was proud of him for recognizing our car but was joking with him that it is MY CAR! He teased back and said no my car. So I asked if he was going to drive and I had to sit in his carseat. His eyes lit up and he jumped into the driver's seat. He giggled when I sat in his seat. Yeah, we are nowhere close to him being in that seat but it was sure cute seeing him smile and giggle at the thought of it.

When we arrived back home, we started getting things ready for sushi night. We were going to do it last night for Brilyn's birthday but joined our friends for a pool party instead. We prepared the rice and all the fillings and sat everyone down to create their own sushi rolls. I tried explaining what each thing was and each step they needed to complete. But I think I may have been too descriptive because the nori, seaweed wrap, seemed to cause a few too many issues and disgusted faces.

Some enjoyed it more than others, but it was an experience and one I will remember forever. The laughs and funny faces will be etched in my mind! Maybe they will try it again in college and think of me!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Happy birthday Princess

Went to bed as a 4 year old! I love surprising the kids on their birthdays immediately when they wake up. However, this mom has been a little busy and was not as prepared as usual, plus the added difficulty of not sleeping in her normal spot. Well thankfully I found a small handful of balloons hidden in a drawer in my desk. They were so old that literally ever other one popped or had a hole in it. The balloons were minimal but the sentiment was the same. 

The birthday girl had requested breakfast in bed. She actually couldn't wait for her birthday for this present. She would ask for days before if it was time for breakfast in bed. Her cousins and brothers didn't think it was fair that she got to eat in bed while they had to eat at the table. I think that is what made it even more special for her. At least she invited them to sit with her!

After breakfast we skyped dad so he could watch Brilyn open up one gift. She agreed to wait until her birthday party to open up the rest. There was one special gift mom and dad were excited to share with her; her very own trick scooter! The boys both have nice trick scooters and Brilyn is often jealous of theirs. We knew it was time for her to have her own. We love going to the skate park and now we had enough scooters to share with our cousins so they could go with too!

The skate park was fun and each kid was excited to show off their moves. But it is Arizona and it is summer so it is HOT. We only lasted a couple hours then we had to find somewhere to cool off. A quick lunch at the house and we were off on another adventure. Brilyn had requested a trampoline park for her birthday. The giggles and laughs by not only the kids but the adults were contagious. We all had so much fun and wish the time didn't end. Dalan, Hunter, and Madison found the dodge ball court and wouldn't do much else. Brilyn, Brooklyn, and Jayen stayed near the obstacle course until Jayen left the girls for his one true love, basketball! The hour went way too fast.

We were headed home to make Brilyn's favorite meal, sushi, but received a call from the Mayberrys asking if we wanted to join them for a pool party. We let Brilyn decided and headed to the pool as soon as we were back in town.

The fun and laughter didn't end. We swam, ate, drank, and laughed; the way I would want to celebrate my birthday. We were even able to recreate a photo from last year featuring Brennan and Brilyn's floatie. Can't wait to try it again next year. He's going to get stuck one of these years.

Thank you everyone who wished her the happiest of birthdays and those who helped her celebrate. Missing your dad on your birthday is hard, but we sure tried to make the best of it.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Guess who is here!!!

It may have taken 37 hours and a few new tires later, but they are here!!!! Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan and Brooklyn Kuchta have made the super long treck to come see us. We are so thankful for their visit. All this time without daddy has been very lonely and we are overjoyed to have company; even better FAMILY! 
The drive took a lot out of Uncle Tom and Aunt Tanya so we put them down for naps and spent the day playing. I was able to successfully feed and clean up after 7 kids all by myself. I may have to agree with the saying that after the third kid they start to take care of themselves. Maybe we could add one more Matt? (He would NEVER go for it!)

We are so excited to have them here and can't wait for all the adventures we have planned. Tomorrow is a super fun filled day!