About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Jayen has been struggling with itchy eyes for weeks now and just can't find relief. I was able to get him into the pediatrician the other day and have been giving him prescription eye drops since then but the doctor also put in a referral for an allergist. Today is the day I have been waiting for just as much as I have been stressing about it. Daddy is still gone and mommy has been worried about how to hold down this kid that morphs into the Incredible Hulk as soon as a needle enters a room he occupies. Now I'm going to have to hold him still so they can put 10 needles into him. HAHAHA yeah, this isn't going to happen. But he can't continue to suffer like he does either. So we pull up our pants and take a deep breath and talk to him about it. We practiced on mommy, used distraction techniques, had movies on in the background, let him draw on himself and me with the marker used to identify each allergen placed on his back, and did nearly anything he wanted to get through this test.

In the end I was BEYOND proud of him. He wasn't happy about the pricks on his back but he let us continue until all 10 were complete. He was more upset about me taking his shirt off so it wouldn't rub on the samples. After 20 minutes or so the nurse came in and measured the spots. There wasn't a single reaction to outdoor allergens. He had only the slightest reaction to cockroaches, but I was informed by the doctor that everyone is. How could this be? His eyes are bloodshot every time we are outside for more than 5 minutes. He is in so much distress because of the irritation in his eyes but he isn't allergic to anything?
After talking with the doctor she agreed that something is irritating him and thought we should keep him on the eye drops as well as starting him on Flonase and Claritin. So I guess for not having allergies, we are still treating him with allergy medicine? Ok then! As long as he has some relief.

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