About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Anonymous strikes again at the Kuchta Christmas

We were able to squeeze in Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Kuchta's house in the middle of all the chaos. We are living out of boxes, literally we couldn't find our suitcase so we packed a box to bring back. The packers will come back and finish on Monday, so everything is in shambles. We are so thankful to have every last minute with family before we leave. That's the hardest part about moving, knowing we won't be able to see them as often as we like. I hope I don't miss out on too much of my nieces and nephews growing up. My sister is a senior in high school and I won't be there for her "lasts". But we will make the best of the situation and hopefully they will all be willing to travel! 

Godmother Nicole gave Hunter this cute Don't Tip the Cow (Jenga) game.

Jayen's Godmother Allissa spoiled him rotten!

Just missed the hug from Brilyn and her Godfather Tyler!

But got a good one of Jayen and his Godfather Tom (or at least I think that's Tom under all that hair!)

I gave my Godson Ryot some new camo! I hope he loved it.

I think grandma and grandpa love their new Jayen rock. Hope they display it in the front yard!

Grandma and grandpa kept a little card until the very last present. I knew immediately when she handed it to me what it was. I couldn't believe it and was in tears before I ripped the envelope open. Anonymous struck again. Last Christmas I received a card from "Anonymous" with a large amount of cash for Jayen to support him educationally. This year she did it again. I'm in awe and udder amazement that someone would not only think of my son again this year, but to do it without the need/want of a simple thanks. So I know that you periodically read this blog so my plea to you is that you understand how much you mean to me. Your care and compassion melts my heart and reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas. I strive to be like you and can't wait for the day I am able to pay it forward. I am so thankful to have met you. I believe I know who you are, but will let you remain anonymous if you wish. I've only met you once, but will remember you always! 

I will remember these time always. I'm sure they will help me get through the hard times we will soon face. 

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