About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Coyote Fans Now?

When Jayen became a Hope Kid we learned about a volunteer opportunity to help raise funds to support the organization. Matt volunteered himself which means he volunteered me to stay home with the kids. Smart huh? I think I need to start volunteering for more things. A few days before the event, Matt was offered tickets to the game. I was optimistic that I could handle three kids by myself in a crowd of thousands of people while rushing all three to the bathroom, concession stand, and a slue of other places by myself. Yeah ok, I just really needed out of the house and this was my only opportunity. 
We dropped Matt off at the volunteer check in and we headed towards the front. There was miniature hockey available which kept the kids busy for a little while. 

When the kids were done with that, we started walking and exploring what was around. Thankfully we had enough time and bumped into one of our favorite places to ear; Chipotle. We were able cool off, sit down, grab a bite, and waste another hour before we could go in the gates. It was a little crazy to be dressed in jeans and long sleeves for the hockey game but be sweating outside in the 80 plus degree heat. Something we still have to get used to.

When we were done eating we headed for the gates to go find our seats. The mascot for the Arizona Coyotes was outside. And YES Jayen freaked out. I kept trying to reassure him that he was nice and he didn't have to touch him. Brilyn had no fear and immediately ran up to him to give him high fives. I was so thankful the mascot could see the situation. He engaged Jayen from afar to howl like a coyote. Jayen finally understood and howled back at him. It was so great to see this interaction. Maybe a little bit of a breakthrough? 

The kids were holding up the certificates for coming to their first game and made an appearance on the jumbo-tron. I was trying to tell them the only way to get on it was to dance or kiss the person beside you. I think they liked that this worked too! Hockey was the perfect place for Jayen! He could be loud and scream whenever he wanted and no one looked at him different. Matt was able to join us for the third period and even experienced Jayen's howling! What a great night. So glad I was able to do it on my own. (ok with a little help from Dalan's friend's dad too! We had two extra tickets and were able to invite his friend and dad to join us. I really appreciated his help! And I think Brilyn has a new boyfriend now too.)

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