About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Feeling Whole!

I think my cheeks hurt from smiling so much! Every turn we take, every place we visit and every friend we see I feel a little more like me. I don't want this feeling to end. We were able to meet up with Josh and Michelle Joslin family and Liz and Bob Bradley family Saturday night at Buffalo Wild Wings in Bellevue. This morning we attended services at our old church in Bellevue. I again felt like this is where I belong. I never questioned my faith here. I had a vision of my life and my kids' life. I had the kids go downstairs for the children's liturgy and was impressed when the catechist said she was surprised to see us again. She remembered us and remembered we moved away. After church we snuck over to Ed and March Schuester's house. They were our old neighbors and we miss them dearly. We don't have neighbors like them anymore. I think they were both tickled to see us. When we pulled into their driveway, Jayen got out of the car and started walking towards our old house. We all had to stop him. A part of me wanted to let him go and to follow him. All the memories we have there. The work we did to that house. Someone else is living in my house. I couldn't stay much longer. The pain was a little more than I could handle.  
We had a lot of places and people we wanted to see before we left the area and weren't sure we would be able to see all of them during business hours. Ms. Shank was on our list. We were going to stop in and see her at her new office but were scared she wouldn't be there so we stopped by her house. Good thing we did, she said we probably wouldn't have caught her at work. She is such an amazing person. I have the most respect and love for her. She made such an impact in Jayen's life as well as mine. I know she will continue to touch the lives of so many.
We filled our day with stops in many places. I hit the jackpot at Mark and Nikki Dorn's house. Nikki was preparing for a garage sale the following weekend and let me snoop early. I bought so much stuff for Brilyn. I love that she gets to wear some of McKenna's clothes. It was so nice catching up with Mark, Nikki, McKenna, and Jackson! I miss them so much. That evening we met up with Renee and Mike Loftus family, Nikki Vaughan, and Evan Friedrich family at Lansky's. I miss seeing my best friends and their kids. I love them all so much and miss being near them. This time with them is amazing! There isn't possibly enough time in the day to tell them or show them what they mean to me.

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