About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Visiting Friends

We were able to spend some time in Bellevue/Omaha before heading back for graduation. There were problems with my car so we had to drop it off at the dealership. We were given a rental and waited for them to tell us how long it would take and how much it would cost. While we waited we surprised more friends we miss dearly. We found the nearest coffee shop and ordered the only drink I have ever ordered; a hot mocha half chocolate no whip for our favorite doctor. Dr. Toth was busy seeing patients but we would wait forever to see him again! We were scrambling trying to find another penny to add to his penny jar we gave him right before we left. I'm so sad I didn't get a picture with him and Jayen. Thank you Dr. Toth for dropping everything to see us for a few minutes. You have always been an angel watching over us. He even looked at a wart on Brilyn's finger and treated it. We eventually had to let him go and be an angel for more families.
I had a few more places on my list I wanted to make sure we hit up. The kids' school was a big one. We snuck in and were able to reconnect with Ms. Shelby. Man I miss her. I now know how much she loved and cared for my son. She is such and amazing and caring person. Ms. Shelby I hope you know how much you have impacted out lives. We are forever grateful!
Ms. Schram was thankfully in her office as we snuck by. She is another angel I have to admit I didn't realize how amazing she was until we left. I wish everyday that she was there pushing Jayen to become everything he is destined to be. With her help I knew that he was going to go far. Ms. Schram, you as well need to know how much you have impacted our lives.
We snuck into the classroom and saw Ms. Potter, Ms. Martha, and all of Jayen's old classmates. He walked in like he never left the place. He played with all his old toys, sat in his old spot on the carpet, hugged his old friends, and smiled a smile I haven't seen in a while. It was magical for all of us. Dalan was able to see Mr. Brockhaus, Ms. Skipper and his classmates too.  

I didn't want to leave. I felt like this was where we were supposed to be. I think I was dreaming the entire time we were there. Dreaming that we still lived here, dreaming that Jayen had the most amazing team in his corner. Dreaming that my heart could be whole again.
We had a lunch date planned with Matt's old coworkers. Matt had been working on a going away gift for his old boss Mark Dorn and had learned it was complete. We were so excited to be around to see when he received it. I'm pretty sure I saw a little tear in his eye! Mark has been an amazing boss to Matt. I'm thankful for him keeping Matt in line and pushing him to be better.



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