About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ice cream, appointment, camping

Jayen's class had an ice cream party for the end of the year, so we decided to send him to school today so he didn't miss out. I emailed Mrs. Piano and send Kayli a message so they were both prepared for him when he got there. I think they all missed him a little! I'm happy Matt had the day off and was able to be there for the event. Jayen missed his friends too. We were able to do a craft, make an ice cream waffle bowl, and go outside for recess. I love that dad got to meet Ms. Kayli and see Jayen's school day in action. I've told him how much I like this school and how it feels better, but now he got to see it for himself. I think he was pleased with what he saw!

After school we had to eat immediately because today was Jayen's follow-up with Dr. Jarrar. I have been very nervous about this appointment. Nervous because he is doing so good and I don't know if we want to rock the boat. At our last appointment I thought Dr. Jarrar said we would look at possibly coming down on a medicine, but Matt didn't remember that.
I'm so thankful my sister, Allissa, is here to help with the kids. She was able to stay home with Brilyn and pick up Dalan if our appointment ran that late. I appreciate so much when Matt can come to the appointments with me and hear everything for himself. Sometimes I'm so emotionally drained after the appointment that the last thing my brain can handle is to reprocess everything for someone else. It's also nice to have two people hear the same instructions so we know that we are getting all of it and not forgetting anything.
I really like Dr. Jarrar, she came into the room all bubbly and immediately said, "I haven't heard from you since our last visit, so things must be going well!" We've had doctors before that come into the room holding the chart and trying to remember who my child is then butcher his name as they are asking how "she" is doing. For this doctor to remember us from our one visit three months ago was special to me. Not only that, she was asking us how the transition from the Midwest to Arizona was going. She remembered we were from the Midwest! She even gave us a little insider info on the transition from a Midwest work ethic to what we are experiencing here. She said she was shocked when she first moved here and scared for her patience. After sharing our horror story with school and what actions we have taken I think she was confident we could handle the change. There wasn't a whole lot to report after that. Things have been going remarkably well as far as seizure control. Since things are going so well, she decided not to do anything right now. Let's wait a year! I was relieved and a little sad. I can't wait to get my baby off of some of these drugs and see what he is like without all of these side effects. BUT I don't want to do anything that would bring back those nasty seizures. We will see you again in six months Dr. Jarrar!

When we got home from the appointment it was time to pack the truck and head for the mountains. We were meeting up with the Babcock's for CAMPING!!!!! I think we have been talking about camping since the day we moved here, but now it was finally happening. Dad packed the outside stuff and mom packed the inside and we were ready to go. We met up with Tami and the kids at their house then made our way to Lake Pleasant. Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that we were camping this weekend because she gave us rain. It was still raining when we left Tami's house, but cleared up enough for us to put up both tents. Just enough though because as soon as the last tent was up it started down pouring again and didn't let up. We managed to get a fire going and cooked a couple hot dogs before we all had to retire to the tent for the evening. When Jason got off work he joined us. I don't think we, my family at least, were prepared for the cold. I was able to sneak two blankets for the night, wore my socks  and jeans to bed, snuggled as close to Matt as possible and was still freezing. I even debated about sleeping in the truck or the boat. I felt so bad for Allissa. Matt told her not to pack any pants because it was so hot here and she wouldn't need any. He was wrong! She thankfully had one pair she could wear ALL WEEKEND!

I think it is time to go to bed, pray we don't float away, and wee what tomorrow brings.

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