About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, November 23, 2015


Beyond humbled right now! Today has not been a wonderful day here. After struggling with Jayen's teacher last year, kindergarten going to half days, Jayen's teacher taking an extended leave, and now finding out she just submitted her letter of resignation; I've been a blubbery mess of tears. Which of course didn't stop when I went to pick up the mail today. The most amazing thing happened to me. A beautiful orange envelope surrounded me and gave me the most profound hug. It w...as so unexpected! The sight of the return address alone took my breath away.
I've written about my friend Erin and her husband Tim on the blog before. Their sons were taken from them far too early. I can't imagine the pain and grief Erin and Tim are feeling right now. Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Henry gaining his wings and joining his brother and grandma. But they chose to make something of the grief. They chose to reach out to others. I'm so humbled as I was one that received on their behalf. I'm here wallowing in my pain but they are the ones comforting me. They are amazing people! I can't believe they took the time out for me. Erin and Tim donated to HopeKids Arizona for Jayen and I in honor of Henry. They also sent me a personal gift. How could they be so selfless? How could they take their grief and turn it into smiles? I'm so sad at our situation here, but have nothing to complain about in comparison. I'm forever grateful! Tim, Erin, and Henry you have touched my heart. I am now on A Monster's Mission to spread Henry's love to others.

We are nearing the start of our first annual Monster's Mission Twelve Days of Giving. Starting on Wednesday (the one...
Posted by A Monster's Mission on Monday, November 9, 2015

What did I do to deserve this? On our way to the park before dinner, I noticed a package by the front door. I just assumed it was stuff my sister-in-law was shipping to my house. She here for the week and bought everything she could think of to take back to Guam with her. I've been getting packages non-stop but none are for me. I set the package inside the garage and we went to the park. After dinner I got a text message reminding me to check outside before bed. I assumed Kerrie Mallory-Thompson put a burning bag of poo or something on my doorstep! But then realized she meant the package that was delivered. I'm loved and I don't know what I did to deserve it. Thank you for being my friend! What an amazing gift.

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