About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Double Santa, Double trouble

Mommy has been working very hard to help the Arizona Autism Network of the West Valley pull off their first annual sensitive Santa event! We were able to experience something like this in Nebraska and realized how amazing a program like this could be. Today is the day it all comes together! I'm so thankful I was given a job in Santa's room. I was able to see all the amazing reactions and smiles! I was also able to see my own little ones' reactions. Brilyn immediately ran up to Santa and gave him a huge hug. Jayen was far more comfortable than I expected him to be; he gave him a high five! Dalan played cool and slowly made his way over. We've had to talk a lot about how busy Santa is and that sometimes he is not able to be at all the Christmas parties so he has to send a helper. No one ever knows which Santa is coming. They just put a request in at the North Pole and Santa decides which helper is best to be there but they all talk to the real Santa. Man he is getting too big. I've realized that I just need to give as little information as possible and let him figure out all the details. He usually has a better imagination than any version I could come up with.

My kids had a great time playing the games, doing the crafts and activities, and seeing the big man. So many other kids did as well. I can't thank AZANOW for allowing me to be part of such an amazing event. I also can't thank my friend, Kerrie, for not only founding AZANOW but having such an amazing heart. She dreams bigger than Disney World on a daily basis and finds a way to make it happen. She is such an inspiration to me and I'm so thankful to call her my friend.
After the sensitive Santa event I had to quickly help clean up before making my way to Matt's work Christmas party. We knew ahead of time that another request was put in for Santa to attend this party too. He was bringing gifts for the kids. I was in such a conundrum because I didn't know what to do. I don't want the kids to think that every time they see Santa he brings them a gift, but I didn't want them to feel left out. Last year the kids received a letter from Santa explaining how fortunate they are. Santa requested that he only leave one present for each of the kids and mom and dad can give them more. We decided we needed to stick with that. We casually reminded the kids before we got there but Jayen and Brilyn were a little disappointed when everyone else received gifts and they didn't. It wasn't an expense issue. I really want my kids to understand what they have and what others may not. I want them to not expect things all the time. We can see Santa and tell him our wishes, but he only brings us gifts on Christmas day. Christmas spirit is more important that the gift in wrapping!

Santa was pretty amazing! After all the presents were handed out my kids sat on his lap and told him what they wanted then read a story to all. Brilyn would not leave his side and Jayen was quite content listening. He really was amazing. Dalan told me on the way home he thinks that might have been the real one!

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