About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Meeting before the meeting

I received an email yesterday asking me to stop after dropping Jayen off for school or before I pick him up for a meeting with the special education teacher. I was being sarcastic and wrote back asking for the agenda; but the response scared me even more. There was no agenda for the meeting but it would be myself, the special education teacher and the school psychologist. I was not sure the purpose of the meeting but decided not to question it anymore. I felt like she wasn't putting it in writing for a reason.
After dropping Jayen off I went to the office and checked in and was escorted to the conference room. It felt so informal but yet so formal with introductions and starting the conversation with, "the reason for this meeting is to go over placement for next year." The two of them had been talking and agreed that there is no harm in keeping Jayen in Kindergarten another year. They agreed that with the shortened school days and amount of pull outs he has that he really hasn't been getting a full Kindergarten curriculum. They approached the principal and he has agreed to sign off on this.
In my head I am still wondering why the sudden change of heart. What changed? I've been demanding this for the past few months and now someone agrees with me.
We also discussed moving Jayen back to Sonoran Heights. If we plan on staying in the district for a few more years at least then we should think about switching back to our home school. This change will hopefully give Jayen a new chance to meet friends in our neighborhood that will be with him from year to year. These friends will hopefully be the same friends he can build relationships with so when he gets older they will continue to be his friend and look out for him. I've worried about this exact situation when we move back to Nebraska. It's always easier to have sympathy and compassion for a cute little kid, but not as easy when they are older.
I like this plan but worry so much about all of it. I worry about the transition to a new school and not knowing anyone (except his brother). There will be a new Kindergarten teacher, a new special education teacher, a new Occupational Therapist, a new Speech therapist, I think the Physical Therapist is the one he had for a short time in preschool, new friends, and new building.
I still have to discuss things with Matt, but I'm happy we had the chance to have this meeting before the meeting. I don't know if this means I have less to prepare and plan for the meeting next week now. But I'm glad they are finally listening to what I thought would be best for my son.

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