About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

cooking the books

Last Friday our respite provider didn't show up and I couldn't get ahold of her. I was worried so I also called the company she works for to see if they could check on her. A couple hours later I received a text message from her stating she told me she wasn't coming that day and she thought she told me. I try to have flexibility with her so she will have it with me, but things had gotten a little out of control. On Monday the company called to see if she ever showed up. I informed them of her text message. The coordinator said she would have to send me the time sheet to fix since she turned in the time sheet and it said she had worked that day. I wasn't able to open the email on my phone, so when I got home I opened it on the computer. I was in shock, awe, disbelief, etc. I couldn't believe what I saw! Not only had she submitted for Friday when she didn't work, but she had submitted MULTIPLE days that she didn't work. I immediately called the coordinator back and informed her that we had more problems than just that one day. After explaining a couple days we weren't even home or I had text messages from her that could prove she asked for that day off or didn't show up, I was asked to look through all of her time sheets from the first day until the last. I was so completely appalled. After she gave me her time sheets to sign she was forging my initials and adding extra hours to the sheet. Now I have to go through time sheets since she started and see if they are correct. I can't remember what happened yesterday let along three months ago. I went through the time sheets and compared them to all of my text messages. I noticed she was careful and in the beginning she started by only adding an hour to her work day. Then the next two week time sheet had a couple days added; the next had a few more; but the last one she should have only written down 8.5 hours but she submitted 37 hours. Seriously people? What happened to dignity, honor, respect, or even self worth?
I'm not sure what will happen next. We will have to work to get those hours back for Jayen. A formal investigation has been started. I hope she learns from her mistakes!

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