About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Dalan's First Communion

Like most college kids, Matt and I really struggled with our religion after moving away from our parents. There wasn't anyone there kicking us out of bed for church on Sunday morning, there wasn't anyone reminding us when it was a holy day of obligation. But when we were trying to conceive and struggled we really decided to put our faith in focus. It really brought us together and made our marriage stronger. When we found out we were pregnant we really wanted our faith to be part of our child's life too. We loved our church in Bellevue. We felt like we could be part of the community but hide in the background if we wanted to. The children's ministry really focused on teaching the children God's will in a way they understood and could relate to. I was very excited with the path God was leading us on. Then our big move came and we were left with finding a new church. 
We really struggled! The church that was within closest proximity to our new house, was not warm and welcoming. It was an extremely large church. There was no sense of community. We felt like the only thing we got out of the church was our Sunday obligation. It was a very difficult transition. We found a couple other churches that were quite a drive from our house, but we were desperate and willing to drive to find somewhere we felt we could belong and grow in our faith. There was one church we thought was better than the others, but still not what we were looking for and quite a drive from our house. We somehow got roped into becoming members at the church closest to us but weren't happy. We also learned that the diocese here doesn't do first communion in second grade as we were used to. They do First Communion and Confirmation in third grade. I couldn't believe this. How could these be done together? Especially confirmation as such a young age. That wasn't what I wanted for my children. After struggling for months, we tried the church on base. We didn't have such a great experience with the church on base in Nebraska so it wasn't our first choice, but like I said, we were desperate. 
God truly answered our prayers that day. We are now members of Luke AFB Catholic Community and are loving it!!!! We truly feel a sense of community, friendship and worship. We can feel the love they have for our children. Even with Jayen, they have been extremely accepting and loving. 
Well the day I have been waiting for in my child's religious life has come. Dalan, as a second grader, has made his first communion. He is a child of God and growing in his faith. I love growing with him! 

Not only is today his first communion, but we are so lucky to have so many family and friends surrounding him. Grandma Kuchta and Allissa flew in on Wednesday night, Grandpa Kuchta and Uncle Marcus flew in yesterday, Tom & Tanya Kuchta family drove and arrived today and we were even surprised by Tyler and Sara. We were also joined by our friends the Mayberrys. So many people came to celebrate and pray for Dalan on his religious journey!

Ms. Loida is the director of children's services at Luke and is the sweetest woman I have ever met. She loves my children and loves seeing them grow in their faith!

Ms. Jeannine was one of Dalan's CCD teachers. She is always so excited to see him. I know she loves him and is excited to see him growing in his faith. She has even convinced him that sitting in the front is the way to go. She's invited him to sit with her at church from now on! 
Ms. Bina and Dalan have a special connection; She was the other CCD teacher this year, but forged an amazing friendship with Dalan due to their shared love of the Sea Hawks. The two of them could talk for hours about their football team. She loved all of Dalan's Sea Hawk inspired communion gifts; his tie, his rosary, matching family outfits. 

How amazing that his Godparents were both able to be here for this special day!

I can't wait to see that path God has for him. Dalan is such an amazing young man and I am truly blessed to be his mother. 

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