About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

First NFL Game

We just happened to be in the right place at the right time wearing the right clothes! Yesterday, Dalan and I had server and EMHC training. Ms. Loida saw Dalan's Cardinals jersey and asked if we like football. The only thought running through my head was, "Is the Pope Catholic?". Well of course we do! She had extra tickets to the Cardinals game and asked if we would like to go. I never imagined what she was actually giving us. Not only did she give us five INCREDIBLE seats but also free parking pass. I told Dalan if he passed his test that Ms. Loida had a surprise for him. I thought the extra motivation would help him.
I was supposed to have a mommy morning with a group of friends, but was really hoping I could make all of it work. I ended up driving myself to Junk in the Trunk event and left a little early, but still had an amazing time. I met up with Matt and the kids right after Sunday school and we headed straight to the stadium. It took a little longer than we hoped to ride the shuttle, so by the time we got to our seats the game had already started.

I think we threw Jayen into the action a little too fast. The crowd was very excited and very loud. Jayen was screaming and crying and very upset. He kept asking to go home. Matt tried to console him but he just wanted to leave. I eventually switched and gave Brilyn to Matt and I took Jayen. I started by squeezing him tightly and giving him that input. I would ask him if he wanted to hold his ears or if he wanted me to. We started with mostly me holding them then slowly he was able to take control and hold his ears when it was too much. I was able to talk him through the plays and give him words to express what was going on. The announcer loved screaming "Thiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrd Down!" when the Cardinals were on defense. I was talking to Jayen and helped him put out three fingers then sign down when they were announcing it. He started to participate and get into the game. We discussed when it was time to kick the ball and Jayen watched intently. It may have taken us the whole first half, but by the end of the game he was screaming TOUCHDOWN and high fiving nearly everyone in our row and the row in front of us. The lady sitting in front of me even stopped to tell us her nephew has trouble with the sounds too. She was impressed that he stuck it out.

We had the most amazing time! It was so fun to experience our first NFL game as a family. It may have made us "a little bit" of Cardinals fans.  

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