About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Making a vacation a vacation; Vala's Pumpkin Patch

The second thing on my list and must do while in Nebraska was Vala's Pumpkin Patch! We were devastated we couldn't go last year. We've gone every year since Dalan was born. We were even special guests two years ago before it even opened. We were not missing another year! This place is truly magical and one of my happiest places on earth! I think I was in tears the entire time.
Grandma and Grandpa came with us again and a little while later, Tanya and the kids joined in on the fun!  I was able to stop Ms. Jan Vala at the front gate and introduce myself again. She remembered us and we so happy we were able to make it. There is so much to see and do at this place. It really is the Disney World of Pumpkin Patches! We weren't sure where to even start, but we saved the entire day and we were going to make every minute count!
No trip is complete without pictures in some key places; the first being the giant rocking chair. I have yearly pictures of our family in this chair and I didn't want to miss another one. The kids peeked around the corner and were a little sad to see that our friend, Zander, wasn't feeling well. He is a pumpkin eating dragon and the kids love him. He is quick whited and makes even the grown-ups laugh. Hopefully he feels better soon!
Jayen was not happy staying near for long, across the way there was a haunted house with a mannequin that jumps out of a window and laughs "Boo!". That was far too scary for my little man, but Matt, Dalan, Brilyn, and Grandpa sure didn't mind trying it out.

Brilyn made sure we took a picture of her at every stop we possibly could. She was not going to miss out on a photo opportunity! What a ham!

We continued to make our way around the park and came to Spookley's play yard. I think Grandpa and daddy may have had more fun building with the life-size Lincoln logs than the kids did. It was so fun having Grandpa there to share in some of our greatest memories here and to make new ones.

Next on our way around the map, was the Barnyard Adventure Ride. I always think I'm too big for this ride, but no matter how corny it is, I always laugh and want to do it again! My kids are getting so big, they were able to ride by themselves this year. They didn't need me and that made me sad, but it also meant that I got to ride with my husband without having to share with any kids!

When the ride was over, my dad and I snuck off to use his coupons for paintball. I had never done this before, but I laughed so much. I might have been a little competitive, but thankfully my dad taught me how to shoot so I was able to keep right up with him! A huge thank you to my husband for sneaking up behind us and taking pictures.

We wanted to wait to do the hayrack ride so we went over to the big slides and barnyard sports. We were also able to check out their new addition from last year, the challenge course. The laughs and smiles from all the kids, big and small, were so amazing! I think we all could have stayed over in this area for hours. But eventually we all became very hungry and decided to hit up the pie barn.

There are so many amazing things to eat here. We couldn't leave any of them out. I ordered a soup bowl and some pie slices while Matt went to a nearby food shack and got us nachos to share. These nachos are to die for and I often crave them! We scarfed them down and were ready to hit up more places on our maps. We continued around the outside of the maps and found our way to the pumpkin cannon and red slide. After a few times down the slide, Tanya and kids arrived to join us. So it was time to hit up the big pillows, corn box, pedal carts and train! And mommy's turn to get another one of her must have photos; the whole family together on a pedal cart!

After hours playing on the other side of the bridge, we headed back over and found our way to graveyard golf. I don't think we will have any golf stars in the family but so much fun getting the ball in the whole any way necessary!

Oops, guess we hadn't taken a picture of her lately. Time to stop for another!

But I will definitely stop for a picture here. The next of my must haves, a picture of each kid and one of the entire family in front of the How Tall This Fall picture!

And last, but not least, of my must have photos; the hayrack ride and pumpkin picking!

Still hungry, but running out of time, we ran to pick up some of our other favorites we couldn't leave without having. I think a few turkey legs and a ton of succotash later we ran back across the way to spend the rest of our time at the brand new Egg Scramble building. Mr. Tim Vala must have been thinking about this one for a long time. This place was so amazing. And that is the biggest understatement ever! Tom had to teach today, but still drove up to Omaha to spend a little more time with us. I think this building made the entire drive worth it! I can't even find the words to describe this place. On their website it is described as "the family-friendly dodge-ball egg-straveganza, we’re calling The Egg Scramble. Go ahead, start an egg fight (with foam balls, of course)! This huge attraction at the center of the all-new poultry-themed area, Freya’s Chicken Yard, will be every kid’s (and adult’s) favorite new play space, guaranteed. It’s what everyone is going to be talking about this fall!" They weren't kidding. I think we all laughed so hard our cheeks, sides, guts, all hurt! What a perfect way to end the day. We definitely made the best of every second we could. We were literally getting kicked out because there weren't any more seconds to play. Wish we could stay longer, wish we could come again tomorrow, wish we could live in Nebraska again so we could do this every year. We will be back, but in the meantime we need to thank the entire Vala family and everyone who makes this place what it is. It truly is one of the most magical places in the world for my family and I!

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