About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Making a vacation a vacation; Henry Doorly Zoo

When we first started talking about going back to Nebraska for fall break, there were a few things I wanted to do. One of the things on my wish list was to visit the zoo with the kids; the extra bonus was that Grandma and Grandpa Kuchta were able to take the time off and come with us too. How lucky are we?
Last night Jayen quickly came down with something. Right as we were leaving the bar he started feeling hot and just not acting like his happy self. When he woke up this morning I could tell he had a fever. Thankfully we were right next door to Walmart and I was able to run and grab a thermometer and some Motrin. We decided to leave daddy and Jayen at the hotel to get better because we had a weekend jam-packed with fun and exciting things and we needed him to feel better. The rest of us went ahead and started enjoying the zoo. I think we got through one building (Wild Kingdom Pavilion) before Matt called and said Jayen was bouncing off the walls and ready to go. I was nervous, but decided to leave the kids with grandma and grandpa and run back to pick them up. I was so happy they joined us, but so nervous about Jayen.

They didn't get very far before we found them back again! I couldn't stop smiling watching them go through and seeing all our favorite places we used to stop at. I couldn't stop snapping pictures of them but also thinking how sad it was that we don't get to do this more often. Brilyn doesn't get the same experiences Jayen and Dalan had here.

guess who fell? That girl can't stay on her feet.

The penguins! Jayen was running up and down the window with them!

I should make a collage of the pictures I have of the kids in this bubble. I wish we could have so many more!

Stopping for a little fun in the aquarium tunnel. I could sit here all day!

Trying to find the giraffe that shares his birthday with Jayen. He loves the giraffes!

Stopping for lunch at the new African Lodge. What a neat place for families to gather.

feeling a little zen

So glad my parents could come along. Me and my dad!



The kids loved the new areas of the zoo. We left right before construction began. So cool seeing it complete.

When the last elephant left we were heartbroken. We were able to follow the story of the new elephants coming from Africa and flying to the zoo. We loved the name of the largest elephant; Jayei! 

Think I can ship the kids home in one of these?

comparing bald spots! Not sure who won!

One of our bucket list items before we left Nebraska was to go on the Skyfari. We always waited for Matt to be with us and finally got a chance right before we left. We were all so excited to be able to do it again. We even convinced grandma and grandpa to go with us!

The zoo was so amazing and I don't want to leave, but I think we all worked up quite the appetite and were ready for Taco Thursday!!!!! Unfortunately the place we wanted to go was not open so we hit up Nettie's. They had toad tacos and we were still able to take pictures and make Allissa jealous! Renee couldn't stand being in the same city and not being together, so she met up with us.

Of course, she was crying before we even got to the parking lot but so was I. I hate leaving and I hate saying goodbye. Nene, we love you and miss you so much. We wish we never had to say goodbye again.

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