About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sharp Shooters

Last night Matt and I went out for a date; a well deserved, needed date! But we met up with a friend of Matt's and got to talking about wanting to take the kids out shooting. He and his girlfriend were going out this afternoon and invited us to join them. We were so excited to find somewhere we could take the kids and teach them about gun safety. Since Matt and I both like to hunt we want to make sure our kids understand the responsibilities they have if they are around or using guns. Dalan was so excited to get a chance to shoot his BB gun he received for Christmas. 
We were a little worried about Jayen and how he would handle to noise. We brought lunch with us to give the kids something to do while we were out there. We also wanted them to have a "base camp" to know they were safe while there but they had to let the adults know if they were leaving that area. Safety truly was our number one priority! 

The kids did so great! We were really impressed with their understanding of the safety rules and how intrigued they were with the guns. It may have taken Jayen a little bit to warm up to the sounds of each of the guns shooting, but after no time at all he wanted to be right in the middle of the action too! 

We were impressed with how well he was doing, but didn't take any chances when the bigger automatic rifles came out. I think he was more scared when he was told it was going to be loud then when he actually heard the sounds. But we stayed in the pickup and kept his headphones on just to block out as much of the sound as possible. I do think daddy has a new hunting buddy though! He really does keep jumping over all the hurdles life throws at him. I keep thinking the possibilities for his life as still pretty endless. 

Maybe daddy can start taking all the kids on his hunting trips! The kids all had a blast and really enjoyed shooting. They all did a pretty good job not pointing the gun at anyone and making sure everyone knew when and where they were shooting. Even mommy got a chance to shoot! I didn't want to put the guns down. I think our next date night is the shooting range or back to the middle of the desert! 

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