About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

This Halloween there were a few traditions I wanted to continue and a few new ones I wanted to start. Although it is not nearly as cold here as it is in Nebraska, I still had a soup in the crockpot waiting for us after trick or treating. But this year I really wanted to participate in the teal pumpkin project and have a movie playing on the garage door. The teal pumpkin project promotes distributing non food items so kids with allergies can still participate in the fun of trick or treating without the worry. I'm so happy we did this. I ordered some fun gifts from Oriental Trading and couldn't wait to pass them out. I thought they were fun enough to not get egged, but still non edible to avoid allergies. We passed out sticky pumpkin hands, whistles, and glow in the dark fangs. Thanks to my wonderful husband, I even got the movie on the garage door.
We stopped by our friends' house before going out trick or treating. Kurt loaded the kids up with candy.

Dalan and his friend Brett!
After Kurt and Bonnie's house we headed over to Dalan's friend Alexa's house. Right beside Alexa's house is Brilyn's preschool. We were able to stop and see Brilyn's friend Brooklyn too. I love that she has made such a good friend too!
After going around a few blocks we decided to head back to the house. Jayen was done a block before Dalan and Brilyn so he went home with Matt and set up the movie. By the time we got back they already had a crowd watching with them. Kerrie, Conor, and some friends were there waiting for us. I love that they stopped. This might not be home, but we all have made some great friends here that we will be sad to leave. Thanks for making this holiday enjoyable!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Swallow study

Jayen's feeding issues have gotten worse lately, so his feeding therapist suggested getting another swallow study. I remember the last one, but can't remember how long it has been; probably almost 4 or 5 years ago. We had to arrive early for check in, but didn't realize how early they wanted us there. Thankfully I was able to put the movie Frozen on Jayen's IPad to keep them busy. Matt on the other hand, was having a hard time keeping busy.

When it was finally time to go back, Jayen really wanted nothing to do with it. We let him look around and play in the chair before it was time, but he still wasn't having it. There was a nurse that took Brilyn to play so Matt could stay and help. I'm thankful for both of their help as Jayen just didn't want to cooperate today. We were able to convince him to eventually take a drink and eat a couple bites. He however, would not sit still for the technician to do the live x-ray. We eventually got what we needed.

Jayen does not aspirate when eating, but has an ineffective chew. Well, we kind of knew that already. There really wasn't a whole lot they could suggest that we weren't already trying. He is just so unaware of what is in his mouth and what his mouth is supposed to do with it. We will continue therapy and continue monitoring what he eats.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Biancamano pumpkin painting

One of the mom's from baseball, Shannon Biancamano, invited us over for pumpkin painting tonight. What a fun tradition they have. Shannon had paints set up for the kids and aprons for all of them to wear. She went over the top! I could tell Halloween is a special holiday for their family. Her husband had the house lit up like Christmas. We could see it from blocks away.

After all the kids were done paining, Shannon turned on the movie Inside Out. I've wanted to see it, but wanted more to have adult conversations. I'm really missing those! We had such a great time, I hope we can make it to their party again next year!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trunk or Treat

The 56th EMS squadron put on a trunk or treat for the kids today. Matt signed us up to have our own decorated trunk. We had intended to be Legos for Halloween, so we continued the theme.

What a fun little event! Jayen only got slightly freaked out, but managed to get through about half of the trunks. I'd say that's a win!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

clearly counting

Holy moly how did this happen? Matt and I were working on some Halloween costumes while the kids were playing hide and go seek. We stopped everything we were doing when we heard this...
 I couldn't get over it. You can clearly hear him counting to at least six. So clearly that I believe his friends would be able to understand him. This has been one of my biggest fears for him; not being able to play with his friends because they don't understand him. My heart swelled after hearing this. I think we might be ok!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Public Safety Day

Dalan's school was holding a public safety day today. They had a fire truck, ambulance, and two helicopters in the school yard. I was able to pick up Jayen from school and park in the parking lot on the side. We got there just in time; the helicopter was getting ready to take off. I knew Jayen would be so excited to see this. He is in love with airplanes and helicopters! I'm so glad we were able to see it leave, but it makes me so sad that Jayen wasn't able to get closer. If he would have been going to the same school, he would have been able to see it like the rest of the kids. I'm still upset about how the school situation played out.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Last baseball game

Another season has come and gone for buddy baseball. What a great group of kids we had this season. I'm sad to see it end. We have seen so many changes this season from the announcing of players' names, playing the national anthem, and painted feet in the batter's box. I'm hopeful to bring these back next season as well. Hopefully we can bring back coach Matt too! We've really grown to love these kids.

We were not able to play our final game due to the rain and lightning. We handed out trophies and hugs and that was the end of it. Coach Matt was presented with gifts from the city of Surprise as well as from some of the players. We've made some great friends because of baseball and I'm so thankful for them.

Conor's mom, Kerrie, made these gifts for Matt and I. Matt was given a picture frame with a picture of him and Conor. I was given the Harriet Caray Broadcaster award for my work announcing the kids' names during the game. It was so sweet to be recognized! Thank you Kerrie for the amazing gifts and for sharing Conor with us this season. I hope he will be back next season.

Friday, October 16, 2015

pumpkin patch

During our Vala's trip last year we met the owner of a pumpkin patch in Arizona that couldn't wait to have us as their guests once we moved. I was able to get ahold of the owners and asked if we could visit while my mom and dad were here. I was very excited to get my pumpkin patch fix. I am missing home and especially Vala's this time of year.
When we arrived we were given wristbands and asked what kind of VIP status we had. I didn't realize we did have a VIP status. Apparently our wristbands gave us unlimited access to the train and rides. That was so nice! We ventured all over the farm. We hit up some of our favorite Vala's attractions like the height signs, pig races, pedal cars, and jumping pillows. We experienced some new attractions too, like the BMX show, carousel, airplane ride, swings, and rollercoaster. I'm once again, so thankful we got to share it with my mom and dad. We loved having them with us. I don't want to let them go tomorrow.

Our annual picture in the pedal car continues!

The kids were able to convince PaPa to take them around again.

and again

and AGAIN!

Grandma was such a good sport! She didn't feel the best but still let Matt take around.

The kids were getting some air on the pillows.

But nothing like the air the BMX guys were getting!

We went on a train ride during the day and at night. Make sure you ask Jayen which one  he liked better. After 5:30 the train turns spooky. People jump out of the corn fields and from behind trees and try to scare you. Jayen was not happy about that!

My pumpkin found herself a pumpkin!

Of course he went for the biggest one!

He'd take any of them!

The funnel cake was good to the last drop!

We had the most amazing time as a family experiencing this new pumpkin patch. It wasn't what we were used to, but was still fun! The fireworks at the end of the night was the icing on the cake. What a great memory we have!