About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Father's Day Camping Trip

What an awesome weekend with the Kuchta's. Grandma, Grandpa, Tom, Tanya, Madison, Hunter, Morgan, Tyler, Allissa, Matt, Nicole, Dalan, and Jayen all went camping and didn't kill each other. It was actually a lot of fun. We took a day and visited Platte River State Park. We went swimming at the pool then checked out the tower. What an amazing view and an amazing weekend. Thanks guys!

The boys are working on their aim!

Someone missed and got my foot instead.

A year ago Jayen was just starting to talk again. I remember how wonderful that camping trip was! I'm glad that he has made so much progress. I can't believe how far we have come!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wow what a breakthrough!!!

Jayen had therapy today, so Mom and Dalan went to the store quick while Jayen was in the gym. As soon as we returned our therapist was knocking on our car window telling us to come in and see this. Jayen had decided today was the day he was going to walk. He was walking laps around the whole gym. What a great job buddy. I love you and am so proud of you!

Monday, June 20, 2011

One month seizure free

Wow, here again. So nervous to see how this is going to go or how long this will last. Jayen's last seizure was on May 20th. The day before was a big one. I am hoping that it was such a big seizure that he got ALL of them out. There are no more left.
Crossing all fingers, toes, arms, legs, and anything that we can cross to wish this is the end of seizures.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

We celebrated Father's day with daddy at the duck pond this year. We will go on our annual camping trip next weekend, but had to show daddy how much we love and appreciate him. It was such a great day! Dalan had to show daddy up. He must have had some kind of crazy luck on his side. He was able to throw his line in the water and within seconds he would have one and sometimes two fish on his line. Matt spent most of the day taking fish off hooks instead of fishing for himself. It seemed like as soon as he got the fish off, another worm on, cast it back out, and got back to his line, Dalan would have another fish. It was fun to watch! Jayen enjoyed playing with the worms. He seemed interested in fishing so I went to Target and picked up a fishing pole for him. I didn't put any hooks on his line so he could practice casting without hurting anyone.
What a great day! Hoping daddy knows how much we really appreciate him!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I love ice cream!

It seems to be a tradition in our house for daddy and the boys to sit on the deck and enjoy ice cream. Jayen seems to really enjoy this tradition too!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Speech Evaluation

We finally had our speech evaluation at PTC. It was scheduled for more than a month ago, but we were in the hospital again with seizures and didn't make it last time.
It was a good meeting. I was explaining to the therapist that the last speech test didn't seem like it was a true evaluation of Jayen and his abilities. I really like to standardized test that was completed this time. It was a yes or no questionaire that I answered. It was a little more evident how far off he is from his same age peers.
Jayen qualifies for speech therapy twice a week. I am so excited to get it started! I can't wait for him to start communicating his wants and needs. I miss his babbling and look forward to hearing his first conversations. I know I won't regret it!! ;)