About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mommy has PMS, Jayen has PMG, and Daddy is just PO'D

We woke up this morning knowing that the results of the MRI should be in and that we could finally go home. We went to Minnesota to hopefully figure something out, to get some answers, but I think we left with more questions!
Dr. Arkilo came in this morning with the results. They were pretty shocking and exciting at the same time. The MRI found an abnormality in Jayen's brain called a polymicrogyria. Poly meaning many, micro meaning mini, and gyri meaning surface of the brain.

The 3T MRI found a portion of Jayen's brain that has "many small folds". I'm so thankful we rescheduled the MRI and were able to get the 3T. I don't know that we would have found it otherwise. With Jayen only being 3 and the magnification of a regular MRI we could have missed it again.
There is a possibility now that we can actually resect that specific part of the brain and HOPEFULLY stop the seizures. I am so scared of this option, but so hopeful. Does this mean that Jayen could potentially be seizure free? After just having that conversation the other day about how that probably isn't an option for Jayen anymore. Because he is young enough, does this mean he could potentially live a "normal" life after this? So hopeful, but so scared. This is actually cutting open his skull and taking out part of his brain. AHHHHHHH!
Dr. Arkilo will present all of this information to Dr. Frost and it will all be presented to a surgery board at a surgery conference. The board will have to decide if Jayen is even a candidate for surgery. If not, then we will be playing with meds for the rest of our lives. If he is, then we will have a ton of tests we will have to complete. We would have to go back to Minnesota and watch a bunch of seizures. In order to see all these seizures, they would take him completely off of meds. How scary and life threatening. Jayen is already in danger of status epilepticus (meaning he wouldn't come out of a seizure) so taking off meds completely really scares mommy. He would also have to do an MSI, which is a combination of the MRI and an EEG. The doctors have to pinpoint exactly where the PMG is located. We would also need to know if this is the point where most of Jayen's seizure activity is occurring. If he seizures aren't even coming from this part of the brain then there would be limited benefit to taking out the PMG.

I think I am on acronym overload right now. I will try to do a little more research when we get home. Just want to leave this place and see the rest of our family. Really missing Dalan and Brilyn!!!

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