About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sad, sad mommy but pretty impressed

Seeing my baby have a seizure is scary, but for some reason setting him take a propofol nap is the worst. I hate it. Still trying to stop crying.
MRI was today. I was so impressed with the staff though. (besides being an hour behind schedule) Someone met us in the MRI room at Children's. I'm not sure what her official job title was, but she came prepared. I had never really thought about Jayen and his beginning to understand all the stuff he is going through. I had always gone into things thinking I would comfort him and help the nurses get it done as quick as possible to not prolong the pain. I had never thought about his anxiety and comprehension of what was actually happening. This lady brought her ipad and a little sewn doll. The doll had scrubs on just like Jayen. Because Jayen was going to be getting an IV we showed him what was going to happen on the doll. She used the ipad to show real life pictures of the steps they would take to put the i.v. in. She really discussed everything with him and gave him the opportunity to try it on his doll. He used real tools and put a real iv in his doll. They even went on showing him pictures of the hallway they were going to drive him down, the room the MRI machine was in, and the actual machine itself. Even though he was going to be under anesthesia, she wanted him to know exactly what was going to happen. I was SO impressed! I think I am going to have to start making a ton of medical social stories now!!!!!

Saddest moment in this mommy's life. I hate him screaming one second them completely lifeless the next.

I was balling, but stopped to giggle at his little spiderman slippers hanging out the back of the MRI machine!

Wake up sleepy head, Mommy wants to kiss and hug you!

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