About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Busy Monday

Bright and early this morning we were scheduled for 3 well checks. I knew Dalan was going to be very upset with me if I had to take him out of school for a doctor's appointment. My only other option then was to schedule them before school. Our first appointment was at 7AM. Jayen had some other plans though. I had to wake him around 6:30 so he had time to get ready, but I knew before I woke him that it wasn't going to be pretty. Jayen had a seizure. This one was a little scarier for me. We were very close to, if not right at 10 minutes. I was getting ready to pull out the second diastat and call 911 when he started to come out of it. I had to let him sleep of this massive seizure but had to get the other kids to their appointment. Thankfully daddy was home today. Daddy stayed with Jayen and let him sleep while mommy took the other two to the doc. When Jayen woke, they joined us. We had a special surprise for Dr. Toth. A "little birdie" told us some of his favorites, so we made him a special surprise.  I think he loved it!
After the appointments the boys went off the school and mommy and daddy ran some errands. Jayen had a hard time going into school. I'm not sure if it was just because it wasn't our normal routine or because he was upset about leaving dad again. He was very attached to him from the moment he got home. I think he might have been a little scared that he was going to leave again.
After school mommy had to run some more errands and wanted to show everyone the new outlet mall in Gretna. It was pretty neat! The boys were such good shoppers (very sarcastic!) we had to entertain them with a pretzel and slushie. The boys couldn't wait long enough for one to get done, they had to share at the exact same time. I think they were too worried the other one was going to drink more. They both got ice cream headaches!

I love spending time with my family! Glad we get times like these!

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