About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Minnesota Stroll for Epilepsy right here on the unit!

We found out a couple days ago that the Minnesota Epilepsy Foundation was having their annual stroll for epilepsy today. For some reason this mommy thought it would be a great idea to have our own little stroll right here on fifth floor! I contacted someone from the foundation and asked if they could help us in any way. They came through and helped make the event so much fun. Mr. Tom and Ms. Vicky pulled some strings and had lots of fun activities and snacks!
Jayen was in love with the puppy. He giving Twister hugs and kisses. He reminded us a lot of our dog Josie. We miss her!

Someone brought along Spiderman for a visit. Jayen had to take a little bit to warm up to him! This was as close as he would get.

Team Jayen! We wear purple for our little miracle!

What a spectacular event. I hope they continue this annually. And someone has to get Dr. Frost in that wagon and get pictures!!!!

At the end of the event, daddy was giving free rides to Jayen and his new friend Ariat. They were belly laughing and having the best time!

After a day of seeing Spiderman around and everyone playing with him, Jayen finally gave him a chance. Now they are best friends and I'm scared we are leaving with him! He might have to sit in Dalan's carseat.
We were able to get volunteers to watch Jayen and his other new friend Sydney. Chad and Jenny Kapla and Matt and I ran to Tom Reid's for a quick bite to eat and a well deserved drink! I am so glad they were here. We know how emotionally draining being here can be, but having them around really made it easier. They kids did great with the volunteers. After getting back we got them ready for bed then met up again in the commons area for a game of Phase 10. I hope we continue to keep in touch. So crazy they live so close and we met here first. You guys are amazing. Take good care of eachother. See you around!

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