About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Busy Extra Long weekend!

This Labor Day weekend was jam packed but so much fun! Mommy and daddy had tickets to the first Husker game of the season. Sad we couldn't get them for the entire family but so excited for the date night with daddy and the kids to have a weekend with grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We drove to grandma and grandpa Kuchta's Friday evening. Saturday was the game. The kids watched on tv for mom and dad; they didn't see us!

Sunday was Madison and Hunter's birthday parties! It was a tie dye and turtle party. Dalan dyed some socks! Jayen and Brilyn loved playing on the teeter totter. So much fun spending time with family! After the birthday party we headed to Yankton to meet up with our friends the Kapla's! We met this family when we were in Minnesota this last time. We were so excited to give Sydney her present. When we last saw them, she had just got a new doll from the American Girl store, but was a little sad she didn't have a bed for them. Well, the Hochstein's had the best gift ever! Sydney asked us if it was a kitty, because she really wanted a kitty. How funny that we did actually have a kitty; an American Girl kitty, a dress, and two beds for her American Girl doll! I had been trying to keep this a secret from Jenny for about two weeks, so I was excited to finally give it to her. I was excited to see Sydney's face too. I think she liked it!

Chad had to teach the boys some hockey moves before we left. Dalan really picked up on it fast. I think if we hang around them too much I'll have to find a hockey rink in Arizona. Why do I feel that might be a near impossible feat?
We didn't want to leave the Kapla house. We feel so welcome and loved there. Their boys were so amazing with our boys and Brilyn too. They have done a great job raising some amazing children. They truly are amazing friends and I know God (and my Uncle Terry) put us in the same place at the same time for a reason. We didn't want to leave but stayed longer than we should have. We wanted to drive back to Bellevue so we could have one day as a family without so much running around.
Our Labor Day started a little slow. No one wanted to move very fast! We made plans with our friends the Loftus' to fix their carpets while we still had the carpet stretcher then hang out at a Storm Chaser's game. They too have been sent by God to be near us. I cry just thinking about everything we have been through together. Renee is so good about keeping in contact with me and keeping me positive about life. What a spectacular friend she is and always will be. I think the best saying for her is, "Although we may be miles apart, we are together at heart!" We are all sad about having to say see you later, but I promise we will stay in contact and see you whenever we can. Today was so wonderful to spend with this amazing family. Our days are numbered but I'm so glad we were able to spend it with friends.

What a busy, fun filled, extra long weekend! One of the best of my life! We are so blessed with the most amazing family and friends.

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