About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, February 13, 2015

School Again!

After the email was sent yesterday I only received one reply. The district early childhood special education coordinator responded...

Good afternoon, Mrs. Hochstein,
Thank you for your email. Ms. Tipton and I worked yesterday and have mapped support into the preschool classroom to ensure that we have support for Jayen the entire time he is in the preschool classroom. Additionally, we have developed a coverage plan to ensure the safety of Jayen in the event that a staff member is absent. 
Please know that we too agree that open lines of communication are the sole and only way to operate efficiently. Even though additional staff in the room on 2/11, one of the paras in the preschool classroom was assigned to support Jayen. Additionally, alternate plans have been established in the event of staff absence and moving forward increased para staff is in place for the am session at Sonoran at all times.
Thank you,
Shaar Rose
HOWEVER, upon dropping Jayen off today I was not greeted with the warm hand off I had requested. I was informed by the classroom teacher that the para assigned has other duties in the morning and is not able to be in the classroom until 9. So I waited with Jayen until she arrived. But that wasn't until 9:17. The children can be dropped off from 8:40 until the first bell at 8:55 but the gates for the parents to leave the building closes at 8:55 so I have to be out of the room by then. The para did not arrive until almost 25 minutes after I should have left him in her care. During this 25 minutes I watched Jayen struggle and get frustrated putting his backpack on a hook, attempt to wash his hand but instead of putting soap on his hands he attempted to eat it, grab a paper towel to wipe his hand but place in on his face and blow it off instead, then grab blocks off the table and hit a friend on the head. This 25 minutes is very unstructured time. The children are supposed to be sitting at the table free playing while the teacher is preparing the activity for the day. I did leave Jayen and the classroom shortly after the individual support arrived but was invited to come back early for the valentine's activities. When arriving early I could see the para struggling to keep up with Jayen. She seemed very nice but very uninformed about him. When I was signing to him she responded she didn't know he signed. I would sure wish that they would have given her some kind of background/training. Especially is she is going to be playing any role in his team should he have a seizure and need diastat. Jayen is dismissed at 11:45 but the individual support left him at 11:30 so she could take her lunch. Again during a very unstructured time, Jayen is left without the support he needs. I just don't understand why this is so difficult. Where do I go from here? I haven't received any response from the teacher using the class DOJO app she uses for communication and behavior nor through the email I sent yesterday. When asked for a time to meet with her and the paras I was told that I could just talk to her when I pick Jayen up. There has also been no response from the principal or assistant principal. Do I need to call another IEP meeting? Do I just talk to the principal? Do I need to talk to Shara Rose, district rep again? Or do I need to file a complaint?
I don't know what to do or where to go from here! BEYOND FRUSTRATED!

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