About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Last Straw

After everything that happened on Friday, I was very hesitant to allow Jayen to return to school. My plan was to see if today was any better then take action if necessary. I waited in the classroom again until the new para arrived. The unstructured time during the morning really brings out the worst behavior in Jayen and some of his peers. In the twenty minutes I was there I witnessed Jayen take his used paper towel and wipe his friends mouth with it, spill water all over the floor, use 7 paper towels instead of the one that is allowed by the teacher, put small blue toy pieces in his mouth, put multiple pieces in his mouth, sit on a bookshelf but was redirected once then no follow through, sit on bookshelf again, the teacher didn't arrive until 8:56, more pieces on his mouth with no adult near any of the tables, steal toys from friend which an altercation ensued, stole more pieces, hit friend, threw toy at friend, redirected to sit, hit friend on way back to table, 905 the para came in. This behavior is unsafe for Jayen and his friends in the classroom. As I was getting ready to leave and figure out my plan Mrs. Foster asked if the pink trike out front was ours. How did she see it unless she arrived after we did? When is she supposed to be there? Who is in charge of my child before she arrives?
I was absolutely upset when I left and tried to decide what my next action would be. I was awaiting a call from a parent training representative about the Friday incident so I figured I wouldn't take any action until I talked to her. The time came for me to pick Jayen up. Mrs. Foster opens the gate for the parents so while she was outside I asked who Jayen's case manager was. I was taken back when she couldn't answer. Then when asked if she had a copy of his IEP she responded that she hasn't even seen a copy of it yet. WHO is responsible for his educational goals? Who is taking data on these goals? Again flabbergasted and not sure what to do about this. As I was signing Jayen out, one of the paras approached me and said Jayen took a book, raised it above his head, then hit a friend with it. I asked where his one on one was. She paused and looked confused, so I said Jayen is supposed to have a one on one with him. She said, "Well we all help all the kids." When I responded that Jayen is supposed to have his an individual para with him at all times, she said she wasn't aware of that.
WHAT? The lady that is supposed to be with Jayen at all times for the past two days hasn't made you aware nor has the teacher or any supervisor? Who is running this joint?
The straw had to be something I'm not even sure I can bring up in a meeting. When waiting for the para in the morning I heard one of the paras say out loud she forgot to tell another mom the needed more diapers. When that mom came to pick up the kid, I once again overheard a para tell the mom that they were out of diapers so he didn't get changed today.  What the heck? How is that sanitary, healthy, responsible? Is that how well you are taking care of the kids?
After talking to the parent training representative I was a little more level headed. I called for an emergency IEP meeting. If things can't be solved through this meeting then I will have to call for a mediation.
This is weighing so heavy on my heart. I would move mountains for my kids, but don't understand why I have to physically do it for my son.

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