About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

We wanted to make Matt feel like the most special person on the planet today. We have a great daddy and we wanted him to know it! We made him biscuits and gravy, bacon, and eggs. We would have delivered it to him in bed but he came down before it was ready. After breakfast we got ready for church. I'm so thankful we have found a church we all feel a little more comfortable at. Last week the kids were amazing and I prayed that they were that good this time as a present for Matt. Well, not so much. They weren't good! We talked about possibly staying for the father's day brunch but the kids didn't deserve to stay so we had to leave.
Matt's wish was to take the boat out and go fishing and swimming. We got everything ready at home then ran to Tami's house to get the boat. Taking three hungry, tired kids out on the boat was not the gift I wanted to give him. We were finally able to get everyone's BLTs prepared and find a smooth enough spot to eat, but just as we got comfortable it was time to move again. The tide kept pushing us closer to the rocks. We moved a couple times, finished eating, then jumped in. Which, of course, didn't last long. The kids were too scared. I'm not sure if it was because they couldn't touch the bottom (or even see it) or why they were so scared being in the lake. We got back on the boat and drove around a little looking for a shallow, calmer spot. I'm so glad we did because we ended up finding a secret cove. Driving up to it, it didn't look like much because the mountains were hiding what was on the other side! As we drove closer we could see that it kept going behind the mountain. We were able to drive all the way behind the mountain to a perfectly calm spot. Dalan was itching to fish so we tried for a little while. I was so impressed with Jayen and Brilyn. They both had a little weight on the end of the line so they could cast and reel it in without the worry of them hooking themselves or someone else. They really knew what they were doing. A part of me debated letting them have a hook and a worm, BUT THAT QUICKLY PASSED! We had a couple seat changes, a couple water breaks, a couple cuss words from dad, and a dropped fishing pole before we gave up on fishing and jumped back in the water to cool off. Man this Arizona heat is brutal. On paper this looked like a disaster of a day, but in reality it was nothing short of our crazy life. Thankfully I planned ahead and had ribs in the crockpot waiting for us when we got home. Even more thankful because I believe I was either dehydrated or heat exhausted. I came home with a migraine worse than I have ever felt before. I was close to throwing up in the car on the way home and could barely stand once we were back at the house. Even though it was his day, Matt let me go to bed and he took care of everything. He fed the kids, got them ready and in bed, ate dinner by himself, and put everything away. Father's Day did not turn out the way I wanted it to, but I hope that Matt always knows how much we love and appreciate him!

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