About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Shopping with mom!

We leave from Nebraska in two days and mom still doesn't have an outfit for the wedding. Everyone else has special assigned outfits except Dalan and I, and I already found Dalan a super cute suit. I had no other option than to take the kids with me to the mall. Matt told me not to do it, but I obviously can't wait on him and his schedule. Thankfully the day wasn't all bad. Only that we had two flat tires on the stroller, one poopy pants, three hungry kids that wouldn't let mommy try on more than two dresses in any store and only two hours until therapy. Yeah, I wasn't that bad! We got to the mall before the stores opened and had an opportunity to scope out where I wanted to shop. The kids spotted a pet store and I couldn't get them away. Of course, I had to listen to the next two hours of them asking for a puppy. NO! We finally have everyone potty trained in the house and I am not going through that again.
We just happened to be walking past the Disney Store at opening time and were invited to be their special helpers. They needed one kid to help them turn on the magic in Mickey's book so the store could open. Dalan was such a good sport and volunteered. They rubbed their hands together and said the magic words, but it didn't work. Dalan found and put on Mickey's magic hat, but still didn't work. He put on the magic cape, found the wand, and said the magic words and it finally worked. The kids were all presented with VIP stickers and Dalan received a lanyard with a Mickey coin on it for being the special helper. It was pretty cute.

After a couple more dressing room disasters, I decided it was time to feed these hungry kids. Subway was their request, but thanks to the power of the food court mommy got to go to Chipotle. We all got what we wanted. It wasn't the worst shopping experience ever, but it certainly wasn't the best! I found a back-up dress so it wasn't a total loss either.

After therapy and a short nap, Daddy was finally home. We told him about our adventures and convinced him that mommy was too tired to cook. Daddy took us out for Pei Wei. This just happens to be one of the very few things I like about Arizona. Pei Wei is a fast food version of PF Changs. The kids love Chinese food! We ordered a bowl of low mein for them, so Daddy had to show them how to properly eat their amazingly long noodles; slurping them, of course. They couldn't stop giggling. Not the way mommy wanted them to eat, but entertaining!

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