About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, October 16, 2015

pumpkin patch

During our Vala's trip last year we met the owner of a pumpkin patch in Arizona that couldn't wait to have us as their guests once we moved. I was able to get ahold of the owners and asked if we could visit while my mom and dad were here. I was very excited to get my pumpkin patch fix. I am missing home and especially Vala's this time of year.
When we arrived we were given wristbands and asked what kind of VIP status we had. I didn't realize we did have a VIP status. Apparently our wristbands gave us unlimited access to the train and rides. That was so nice! We ventured all over the farm. We hit up some of our favorite Vala's attractions like the height signs, pig races, pedal cars, and jumping pillows. We experienced some new attractions too, like the BMX show, carousel, airplane ride, swings, and rollercoaster. I'm once again, so thankful we got to share it with my mom and dad. We loved having them with us. I don't want to let them go tomorrow.

Our annual picture in the pedal car continues!

The kids were able to convince PaPa to take them around again.

and again

and AGAIN!

Grandma was such a good sport! She didn't feel the best but still let Matt take around.

The kids were getting some air on the pillows.

But nothing like the air the BMX guys were getting!

We went on a train ride during the day and at night. Make sure you ask Jayen which one  he liked better. After 5:30 the train turns spooky. People jump out of the corn fields and from behind trees and try to scare you. Jayen was not happy about that!

My pumpkin found herself a pumpkin!

Of course he went for the biggest one!

He'd take any of them!

The funnel cake was good to the last drop!

We had the most amazing time as a family experiencing this new pumpkin patch. It wasn't what we were used to, but was still fun! The fireworks at the end of the night was the icing on the cake. What a great memory we have!

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