About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Listen to your wife! Can't sleep CPS

Last week Matt fell at work and hurt his elbow. He came home and told me "meat was coming out of his arm". I begged him to go get it checked out but macho man decided to put a little alcohol on it and call it good. Well it caught up to him! Last night he was watching tv with one of the kids on his lap and was wincing every time someone came close to his arm. I once again had to beg him to go get it checked out. So this morning he finally went and was told his arm was infected. He was given antibiotics and told is the infection got any bigger (the doctor drew a circle around the infection) to come back. When he got home from work and showed me it already looked like it was bigger. I called Tami and Jason Babcock just to see where they would go if they needed an ER. Matt thought he could wait it out and just go back in to see the base doctor again tomorrow, but after dinner he could really see it spreading. He left for the ER. After 7 hours in the waiting room he was finally seen and admitted to the hospital. I was not ready or expecting that. I was stuck at home with sleeping kids and no one to watch them so I could go visit or see what was going on. Matt was immediately (well three more hours after seeing the ER doctor) put on IV antibiotics. He ended up having a deep tissue infection.
I was so upset I couldn't be there with him, so upset he didn't listen to me, so upset I didn't have any way of getting up there tomorrow to see him. I came up with a plan to ask Brilyn's teacher if I could drop her off early. If I dropped her off right after dropping off Dalan and Jayen I could drive the 45 minutes to the hospital, stay for about 50 minutes, then 45 back to get there in time to pick Jayen up from school, make lunch, pick up Brilyn, eat lunch, head to therapy, naps, get Dalan and go see dad if he is still there. I think I can make it all work, but then my mind started thinking about other things. What happens if I get stuck in traffic and can't make it back to get Jayen in time? Who do they call; Matt is in the hospital, I'm stuck in traffic or worse. What if something happens to me? Where will the kids go? I know my mom is my emergency contact, but obviously it would take her some time to get here. They can't have the kids sleep at school overnight. Would they have to go into child protective services? Who would take them? Would they get split up? What would happen to my babies? This really had me worried and wouldn't let my mind rest. I need to find a local emergency contact that would take the kids until my parents could get here.

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