About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Today is surgery day. I didn't sleep well last night. I had to send Brilyn off for her first sleepover since we had to be at the hospital by 6AM so not having her home made me a little uneasy. I also was worried about leaving Dalan at home until he was dressed and ready for school. He was going to have to be responsible to wake up and walk over to the neighbors house once he was ready. Ok, I really didn't worry about him too much, more so for the neighbors since I know he will continuously ask what time it is to make sure he is not late for school. I was also extremely nervous about Jayen going under general anesthesia again. He has done fine every time but I still worry. Nothing scares me more than seeing him go from a screaming fit to lifeless and unconscious.
We had to be at the surgery center by 6:00AM but we weren't scheduled for surgery until 7:00AM. It was a long wait in a crowded room but we eventually were able to go back. He knew the drill right away. He took of his shoes and stood on the scale then immediately turned around and put his feet against the wall to get his height. Yep, done that before! After saying hello to all the doctors and going over the procedure and follow-up they were ready for him. I was a little upset but also relieved that we didn't help put the mask on him; he didn't have to see us be part of the group that was going to hurt him.

Less than 30 minutes later the doctor came out to the waiting room to get us and said everything went well. Jayen was in recovery and we could go back to see him. A nurse called us over and we followed her to his bed. He was still out of it. The nurse seemed like she was in a bit of a hurry to get him out of there. They were wheeling patients into the recovery room in a continuous stream.
I was trying to enjoy the quiet, calm, still child of mine when the anesthesiologist came in with another patient and looked at Jayen and asked why he was still here. It was seriously only 5 minutes since he got out of surgery. Jayen opened his eyes enough to allow us to help him eat a popsicle. He was only slightly conscious but ate enough that the nurse was ready to send us away. She asked if we wanted to carry him or if he wanted a wheelchair. I opted for the wheelchair because I knew Jayen would love it. The nurse sent Matt out to go get the car but just after he walked out she got another patient. She was no longer able to help walk us out. I had to carry my purse, a water bottle, Jayen's clothes that he wore when we arrived, his new stuffed animal, the new prescriptions, and Jayen out to the car. He was so lifeless and heavy. I was a little upset that they not only sent me out with all of this stuff but that they sent him out nearly still sedated.

Since we were up so early and all the way on the other side of town, I was able to convince the boys to make a quick stop at Panera and pick up some bagels and cream cheese for breakfast! Even with this stop and the 30 minute drive from the hospital we were home before 8AM. That is how quickly they pushed us out the door! Once home we were able to get about half of a bagel in him and let him walk around for a little bit. He was still slightly out of it. Dad went to go fill his prescription so mom got some good alone time with him. We snuggled on the couch and Jayen eventually went back to sleep. I don't know the last time I was able to snuggle with this little man. We didn't move off of the couch until sister got home from school at 11:45.

Jayen played with Brilyn for a little while before it was time for her to lay down for her nap. Since she was laying down we decided to lay down on the couch again. Jayen was out cold and didn't move until nearly 5PM. My arm fell asleep and the tingling started to hurt otherwise he could have probably slept for even longer.

I don't want him to have to go through this again, but I would give anything to have another snuggle day with him. He is growing too fast and I'm loosing my baby by the second. Days like this remind me to hold on to him a little tighter.

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