About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Grandpas!!!! and Grandma! and Bob!

Getting into town early meant that the kids were able to do a quick run with Grandpa in the truck. Originally we were only going to send Dalan. He slept on the couch upstairs and woke up super early to head to North Dakota with Grandpa in the semi-truck. Since everyone was at work, we made the most of our time and headed to Sioux City to do some quick shopping that we wanted to fit in before we left. I couldn't get over the leaves! Everywhere we looked there were gorgeous leaves in red, orange and yellow colors. There is nothing like this in Arizona!!! I've never cared this much about the leaves, but I just couldn't get over it. We had to have some! We picked a bunch and packaged them up to take back with us.

After shopping we realized Grandpa and Dalan would be coming through the area soon. We arranged with them to meet up and switch out passengers. Jayen LOVES, that's an understatement, riding with Grandpa in the truck but we didn't think he would survive the early morning and long trip. Or maybe Grandpa wouldn't have survived, but this was the perfect solution.
Jayen switched spots with Dalan and was headed to Hartington to drop this load. We dropped Matt and Dalan off at Grandpa Hochstein's house in Hartington and Brilyn and I went to Fischer Feed to help Grandpa and Jayen unload and do one more passenger switch. At Fischer we got to see another family member, Uncle Adam! He was working there and was called in to help unload. The kids thought it was so funny. Jayen was getting upset he wasn't allowed to help, so Grandpa asked him if he wanted to. Jayen was all smiles until Grandpa set him on top of the pallet and took him for a ride. He knew better, he wanted to work! Brilyn on the other hand was more than happy being toted around.

When they were all done unloading, Brilyn got her turn in the passenger seat. She got to ride all the way from Hartington to Wynot! Hey, it was good enough for her! Grandpa quickly put the truck away and we ran back to the house to have him change. We had made arrangements to meet Grandma at one of our favorite restaurants; Bonanza!

Since we dropped Matt and Dalan off at Grandpa Hochstein's house, Dalan got some quality time with his long lost best friend, Josie and Grandpa. We called them once we got back to Wynot and were ready to head to Yankton. They left around the same time as us. But we saw Bob next door and stopped to say hi. He jumped in with us quick and joined us for Bonanza. Grandma was still in Yankton from work but met us there too. What a fun, unplanned get together!

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