About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Beaming with Pride

A couple weeks ago Jayen brought home an invitation for mom and dad to attend his assembly at school and we were so excited to receive it as it meant that Jayen was being honored with an award. Well the day has finally come! We made sure to be there early enough to get good seats as I was not missing my baby getting his first award. I wasn't going to tell him about it, but then realized I would be setting him up for failure if I didn't give him some direction about what was going to happen. So this morning, Dalan and I talked to Jayen. We told him how Mr. Frazier was going to call his name (and obviously butcher it), then he was to walk through the crowd of friends to the front where Ms. McKnight would hand him a piece of paper and he would walk to the stage and wait there until Mr. Frazier shook their hands again. While waiting patiently in our front row seats, we waved anxiously to Jayen while he was sitting criss cross following directions. He spotted us, but only gave a sly smerk as to not wave and share his excitement. So appropriate for his age it made me giggle! As the assembly began I kept waiting for his name to be called; the proactive award, the caring award, the most improved, etc. I really thought he would get one of these, but he didn't. My anticipation was building, because that meant the only award left was a HAWK award. And according to Dalan, that was the big one. A HAWK award was for students who displayed all the pillars of good character. This is the big one. I knew he was getting an award, but I never realized which award he was getting. His name was finally called and the tears started rolling down my eyes. I tried to keep my composure and the camera steady. He struggled getting through the crowd of kids to make his way to the front. I'm so glad we talked about it ahead of time. I can't imagine how this would have went if he didn't expect any of this. He sauntered to the front to find Ms. McKnight, I was expecting a little more enthusiasm but realized how this was like when he flies the airplane; he is so excited, he is overwhelmed and doesn't know the proper response. He followed right alongside his peers and stood proudly on the steps. When all the Kindergartners were called, Mr. Frazier shook their hands and sent them back to their seats. Oh boy, I didn't prepare him for this. The maze of friends has confused him and he had no idea where to go. He carefully walked through the crowd of peers to try to find someone, anyone he knew so he could sit by them. He stumbled and nearly fell on top of friend after friend until he saw a classmate and decided to plop his butt down beside them, squeezing in the little space there was. I couldn't stop laughing and crying! My baby did it. He showed me, his teacher, his classmates, his brother who was watching with pride, and the entire school! Words cannot express how incredibly proud of the little boy I am today. I'm so thankful for his teacher, Mrs. Mullins, for recognizing the work he puts in. Jayen James, you will move mountains and I know you will have a crowd behind you cheering you the entire way! Thank you Sonoran Heights Elementary for such a special day!

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