About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Bruised and worried

After Dalan's baseball game tonight I headed over to Kerrie's house to work out some details for our Sensitive Santa event on Saturday. On the way home, a turning car pulled out in front of me and I couldn't stop before hitting them. My OnStar came on immediately and talked me through it. They even called Matt and informed him. He was able to get ahold of Eva and have someone come over and watch the kids. Thankfully I wasn't far from the house, literally two blocks, and Matt and Eva were there in just a few minutes. OnStar also stayed on the phone until emergency services arrived. I'm so thankful none of the kids were in the car with me. I hurt my knee on the dash, had whiplash, and an incredibly high blood pressure (220/190). I was to either be transported by ambulance or Matt could take me, but I had to go in. I was only hesitant because I knew tomorrow was a HUGE day for Matt. He has been studying for months for his next promotion test, which happened to be tomorrow morning. He planned on waking up early, heading to base and studying before he had to go in. I had just stopped by the grocery store to pick up stuff to make him a nice breakfast too. I'm pretty sure all the eggs just smashed on the floor of my car.
Matt ended up taking me to the hospital but wanted to stop by the house to pick up his books so he could study while he was waiting. Hindsight, I should have taken the ambulance because my husband also had to stop for gas. I think nearly an hour later he finally dropped me off. I was taken to a room and demanded Matt to go sleep in his truck and I would call him as soon as I was discharged. I had no idea how long things would take and I knew how much he needed to sleep.

After a CT, x-ray, pain meds and some prescriptions to fill I was finally discharged. I found Matt unsuccessfully trying to sleep in the truck and we headed home. I know tomorrow is not going to feel any better. Hopefully we can fill that prescription as soon as Matt gets home.

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