About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Our family tradition usually involves the kids opening one present on Christmas Eve. We usually wrap up their new ornament with pajamas and a new movie, but last night we stayed out a little too late partying with the neighbors. So before the kids started tearing into the beautifully wrapped boxes covering every inch of our living room floor, we made them open their ornaments. Dalan received a Nebraska hat to commemorate our trip back to Nebraska and going to the Husker football game. Jayen received a Spider-Man to help him remember his room before we change it, and Brilyn received a ballerina to help her remember our trips to the ballet. The ornaments are a way to help us all remember some of our greatest memories for that year. Before we put the ornaments on the tree each year, we go through them and talk about the memories they bring to us. Definitely one of my favorite traditions! Even if we didn't do it on Christmas Eve!

A couple years ago, Santa wrote to the kids and reminded them how fortunate they are. He asked them if they would be willing to accept just one gift from him so he could make sure he helped kids out that really needed him and didn't have as much as they do. I'm so proud of the kids for accepting Santa's request. It also helps make the one gift from Santa something extra special. He always wraps their gifts in special paper that usually has his picture on it. Dalan asked the big man for a special Skylanders toy, Jayen wanted a remote control car, and Brilyn wanted make-up. Their reactions are always priceless.

More presents were opened, more shrills of excitement were heard, and shreds of wrapping paper were covering the floor. It was such a special day but it seemed that something was missing. I couldn't help feeling a void. The joy was always pushed aside by the sadness of missing family and friends. We still tried to make the best of this amazing day!

Jayen received some gifts for his room and immediately wanted to help put them up. Matt and I built him an airplane shelf for his awards and pictures. The propeller and wheels all spin too! He also received vinyl decal of jet planes flying in formation, a hand painted sign telling him how much I love him, an aeronautical alphabet metal sign, and new bedding. He, and I, couldn't wait to transform his room to a big boy space!

After his room was all put together, Jayen convinced the other kids to set up his new hockey goals and play indoor ball hockey with him. The day was filled with laughs and smiles and food to fill our bellies for days. Just the way the holidays should be! Hope you all had the merriest of Christmases!  

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