About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

3rd in 3 months

Last night was a rough night at our house. Jayen was back to his old ways getting in and out of bed all night long. We really haven't had problems like this since we got his alarm clock and taught him how to stay in bed until it turns green. But this was horrible. Matt was working swings so I was constantly putting him back in bed and not getting any sleep. At one point I was so desperate I begged Matt to come home to help. Of course, I didn't realize anything was wrong until morning when he was burning hot and tugging at his ears. Why couldn't these symptoms happen last night so I knew what was wrong. When Jayen gets to this point we are already past the point of no return. His pain tolerance is so high that when he finally starts complaining he is to the point his ears are about to rupture. I was able to call the appointment line and get him in but not until 9:40. There was no way he was going to school like this. He was inconsolable until I was able to dig the heating pad out of the closet and let him lie down with it on his ears. Within 20 minutes he was sound asleep. But mom, on the other hand, had to get everyone else ready for school. Still no sleep for me. (but dad had no problem plopping down beside him and dosing off!)

I woke them all up to and we headed to the doctor. As we were sitting in the waiting room, Jayen grabbed a tissue and instead of blowing his nose like I thought he would, he placed the tissue in his ear. I knew immediately; his ears had ruptured. 😢 We were taken back and the doctor didn't take but a split second to look in his ears and see how red they were. We were telling her that this was his third ear infection in three months. Instead of the traditional amoxicillin she wanted us to try something a little stronger. We discussed the possibility of tubes in his ears, but were told that we needed to have that conversation with his PCM. Well, if we could ever get an appointment with him then we would discuss it with him. Until then, we will take our antibiotic and go home and sleep! Well, some of us will anyway.
Within a couple hours of taking his first dose (as well as the ears rupturing) he was back up and running. Just as crazy as he always is. Hopefully this antibiotic kicks this ear infection and we don't have anymore anytime soon. I really don't want to go through surgery with him.

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