About Me

On March 21st, 2010 My daddy left for his last trip away from us. On March 22nd we had to ask him to come home. I had my first seizure that day. One month later I was diagnosed with Infantile Spasms. I have been through a lot in my short life. But I bring so much joy to my mommy and daddy every time I smile.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family Vacation

Today we left for our big family adventure. We are headed to Montana! 16 hours in the car with two kids. Hope we all survive.

We made it to Rapid City and are spending the night at a cabin near the "face mountains". Mount Rushmore was beautiful. The boys seemed to enjoy it. We were able to stay for the lightining ceremony. Jayen didn't make it that long to actually see it, but the rest of us really liked it.
Tomorrow we will finish the drive to Montana. Another 12 hours to go. Benadryl coctail kids? Just kidding!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ups and downs of being mobile

Although it is such a blessing that Jayen is walking now, there are downfalls too. Just this week alone Jayen has fallen down and bruised his head more than a handful of times. The first accident was with a block. I am not exactly sure what happened but Dalan said he hit his head on the wooden blocks. He got a nice gash on his head. We had to call Papa to make sure we didn't have to go to the ER. The next bruise came from Jayen's curiosity. He was standing up on the changing table looking at the pictures on the wall and took one step too many. He fell off the table and hit his head on his crib. Another time he was sitting on the trike and wanted off. Apparently I wasn't being fast enough for him and he dove right off. What a nice huge bruise that was! And finally today, he was trying to sneak out of the house and got caught in the front door. The kid is bruised from head to toe. I really think that someone is going to call CPS on me soon. Poor kid!

Friday, July 8, 2011

To walk a mile in your shoes...

Met up with a couple of I.S. mommies today. It reminded me so much of all the crap we have been through with Jayen. So sad that there are other's that are going through it but it is nice to not always feel alone. Wishing her and her family strength and endurance. Terianne, you and baby Maggie are in our prayers!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What a horrible, horrible day!

Today we had to finally say goodbye to our favorite peditrician ever, Dr. Toth. Of course being in the military we are constantly relocating. I should have known it wouldn't be any different for our doctor. We are so thankful he was with us through this crazy journey. I don't know that I could have gotten through this without him. He was always down to earth and straight forward about everything. He will truly be missed!

For A Wonderful Doctor

To earn the title “Doctor” is an honor, it is true....

Fruition of a lifelong dream, achieved by just a few.

It’s a journey that has brought you to this time and to this place,

Where you can make a difference with each challenge that you face.

But, still, the wisdom you acquired each step along the way,

Is not all that defines you as you travel through each day.

For knowledge in and of itself is only just a part...

The thing that makes you specia is your kind and gentle heart.

And when a Doctor cares as much as you “sincerely” do

The world becomes a better place, no doubt, because of you!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

We started our festivities at our house. Daddy had to show his boys how to blow things up. Jayen was actually interested in them this year. He loved the snaps and was semi-interested in the sparklers.
We went to Werner Park to watch the fireworks. What a great display they had. It was nice to sit back and watch them without worrying about anyone hurting themselves. Jayen was pointing at the sky and making oooooo noises. It was so nice to see him interacting like that.

On Monday we went over to Jerry and Kathy Hayek's house. Jayen was having a great time with Marty Riedler! What a great day and a great end to the fourth of July weekend.